My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Rise by Joshuah Buckle
My body lay in the dark alley, broken and bruised. Rain softly dripped down the brick walls, and over my beaten form. I had no memories of anything that had happened before I woke, and I was alone, with no idea where I was.
Josiah wakes in a world that is new to him, and is unaware of the dangers that hide within it. He is hunted by two Rangers, and a separate group, who seem to know everything from his past. When he befriends Leneya, whose job as a Ranger is to hunt Josiah, he learns that the world he woke up in isn’t only what it seems to be.
He soon finds himself torn; between the life he was meant to lead, and the path he wishes to choose for himself. It is in the midst of this struggle that he discovers what dark purpose he was created for.
‘The Rise’ is Josiah’s story; one of inner conflict and of the timeless battle between good versus evil.
I bought this awhile ago on a recommendation I finally got around to reading it. I thought it was a very interesting read, in the fact it made me want to continue reading. It is a great concept and a great plot to the book. Some parts felt a little forced, but it is well written, and the plot line allows you that suspense you need to continue with reading the book. I don't do spoilers so I won't say much about the plot. But You can't really go wrong with having this book in your collection. I am a big fan of good v. evil though when I am writing I try to avoid reading since good v. evil is my main theme in about 95% of my writing. But since this was recommended I thought why not, most of my work is in the editing process and I had some time to kill before going back to work on my 3rd book for a series (5th over all). And I wasn't disappointed. It kept me entertained, and allowed me to leave my worlds behind for a few hours (I speed read). I will be checking out more of his work as it becomes available.
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