Random WIP:
Life's Blood
All Rights Reserved
The key to my immortal soul laid beneath his beating heart. I laid my handd against his sleeping chest. I was tempted to rip out his beating out…to drain him of his sweet, sweet blood… but the very thought made my own un-beating heart break with pain. The soulless monster within me wanted to destroy this saving grace… this fallen angel that was to save her soul.
I had hunted the humans without a care for years… then I met him… the one that was to save my soul and the humanity within me. It is said I will give my life to save the world, that this fallen angel, that laid beneath me, would help me to achieve my life mission… to save this cursed world.
I doubted it, but I sure did love him. Bernard was changing me, I didn’t like it, I didn’t want to care. I lost my soul because of him; now all to woman in me wanted to do was love him... as the monster inside me wanted to drain him…
He took his razor sharp fingernail; he started at my cheek; he cut into my delicate undead skin, like a hot knife through butter. The pain was intense, the pleasure more so, as my black undead blood dripped to the floor and filled the room with the sweet scent of death...
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Mistress Of The Night
Random WIP:
Mistress Of The Night
All Rights Reserved
Sometimes I feel like I am screaming, with not a sound being heard from my throat. My family doesn’t understand my desire to live in the mortal world. I don’t blame them after all, any mortal I get attached to will die… But my love for him keeps me planted in the realm of the mortals. So who am I? One destined to watch her mortal love die? Or am I cold-hearted goddess of the night? Should I be like my mother, the reason our race is damned to never know the small pleasures in life the way the mortals do? Or should I turn my back on my birth, ask for the other gods to grant me mortality? There are only two choices… Leave him behind for my family and this immortal life… or fall to my knees and beg for mortality, turning my back on my family? Well, here is the story how I ended up in front of my family, the Gods and Goddesses of the Night, requesting a third option. One that has never been granted… one that may not be a feasible option… one that may cause my true death…
Mistress Of The Night
All Rights Reserved
Sometimes I feel like I am screaming, with not a sound being heard from my throat. My family doesn’t understand my desire to live in the mortal world. I don’t blame them after all, any mortal I get attached to will die… But my love for him keeps me planted in the realm of the mortals. So who am I? One destined to watch her mortal love die? Or am I cold-hearted goddess of the night? Should I be like my mother, the reason our race is damned to never know the small pleasures in life the way the mortals do? Or should I turn my back on my birth, ask for the other gods to grant me mortality? There are only two choices… Leave him behind for my family and this immortal life… or fall to my knees and beg for mortality, turning my back on my family? Well, here is the story how I ended up in front of my family, the Gods and Goddesses of the Night, requesting a third option. One that has never been granted… one that may not be a feasible option… one that may cause my true death…
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Random WIP
All Rights Reserved
James and Karla Richards were sitting in their living room discussing their second honeymoon when a flash of light covered the world. It was a micro moment of time. Everybody saw it but nobody thought anything of it. What they didn’t know was the world had just ended. The end that was supposed to happen with a bang was anti-climactic. In fact until people went missing nobody noticed anything. They were all stuck in eternal limbo waiting for judgment. Life went one without anybody noticing it had ended; then Karla’s sister went missing and James and Karla were determined to find Sarah. They travel the globe to find out that the world had ended and the angels are corrupt. They bribes and payments from humans to not act out their judgment and take others whose time had not yet come to be judged in their place. Will they be able to save Sarah from a fate that is not hers or will they be thrown into a judgment that is not their own?
All Rights Reserved
James and Karla Richards were sitting in their living room discussing their second honeymoon when a flash of light covered the world. It was a micro moment of time. Everybody saw it but nobody thought anything of it. What they didn’t know was the world had just ended. The end that was supposed to happen with a bang was anti-climactic. In fact until people went missing nobody noticed anything. They were all stuck in eternal limbo waiting for judgment. Life went one without anybody noticing it had ended; then Karla’s sister went missing and James and Karla were determined to find Sarah. They travel the globe to find out that the world had ended and the angels are corrupt. They bribes and payments from humans to not act out their judgment and take others whose time had not yet come to be judged in their place. Will they be able to save Sarah from a fate that is not hers or will they be thrown into a judgment that is not their own?
The Seasons Goddess Novels
Another New Series Outlined for Release when I get them done and edited!
The Seasons Goddess Novels!
All Rights Reserved
4 Seasons
4 Goddesses
4 Stories
Will They Find Love and Redemption?
I have always been jealous of my sisters. They all know of love. And I have always been one to assist with power. I am after all the goddess of power and protection. Protect the family. Provide for the family. I have become bitter. I have caused much heartache for the mortals. Natural disasters. Disease. Heartache. All in my bitterness. Things I cannot undo. But as my punishment I am now sent to live as a mortal. Will the answer to my happiness lay within this mortal life I am forced to live? Or will my bitterness destroy me once and for all?
I look at my land that I have given birth to. They call me Spring. New life. But also the goddess of Rebirth. I help my people find their way through the barren lands of death to paradise to spend an eternity or to be reborn. I have never once wanted a mortal life. Happy to give life and lead them to their just awards. But then one soul came and fought me. He wanted to go back. He was a young warrior who wanted revenge for his father and mother's murders. I made him a deal. If he could make me want to become a mortal than I shall return him to life. I never thought I would face temptation so great... Will I resist or will I finally know what it is to live a mortal life and have a pure love?
I have been in lust many times. I have lived many a mortal lives. Father now has forbidden me from living a life of lust and has sent me to the mortal realm to find true love. If I die without finding it I shall never again sit upon my throne as the goddess of love and reproduction. Instead he shall arrange a marriage for me and I shall produce a daughter to take my throne. I have been sent down to Earth as a mortal with my memories but none of my powers. Will I be able to find love or will I fall to the curse of my foremothers?
I long for beginnings. I always see the end. I help the passing of souls as the goddess of Death. I worked well with my sister Spring. But I long to be a part of a beginning. A once upon a time. Not a they lived happily, or unhappily, ever after. I went to our father and cried to him about the injustice of my existence. He took me in his arms and held me as he told me that I would have my Once Upon a Time. I was then sent to live amongst the mortals. My mission is to live my Once Upon a Time to my Happily Ever After. If I fail then I will be dethroned as the Goddess of Death and lose all my powers and knowledge of who my soul truly was and become forever a mortal stuck in a reincarnation loop of despair. Will my Once Upon A Time lead to my Happily Ever After or will I destroy my soul?
The Seasons Goddess Novels!
All Rights Reserved
4 Seasons
4 Goddesses
4 Stories
Will They Find Love and Redemption?
I have always been jealous of my sisters. They all know of love. And I have always been one to assist with power. I am after all the goddess of power and protection. Protect the family. Provide for the family. I have become bitter. I have caused much heartache for the mortals. Natural disasters. Disease. Heartache. All in my bitterness. Things I cannot undo. But as my punishment I am now sent to live as a mortal. Will the answer to my happiness lay within this mortal life I am forced to live? Or will my bitterness destroy me once and for all?
I look at my land that I have given birth to. They call me Spring. New life. But also the goddess of Rebirth. I help my people find their way through the barren lands of death to paradise to spend an eternity or to be reborn. I have never once wanted a mortal life. Happy to give life and lead them to their just awards. But then one soul came and fought me. He wanted to go back. He was a young warrior who wanted revenge for his father and mother's murders. I made him a deal. If he could make me want to become a mortal than I shall return him to life. I never thought I would face temptation so great... Will I resist or will I finally know what it is to live a mortal life and have a pure love?
I have been in lust many times. I have lived many a mortal lives. Father now has forbidden me from living a life of lust and has sent me to the mortal realm to find true love. If I die without finding it I shall never again sit upon my throne as the goddess of love and reproduction. Instead he shall arrange a marriage for me and I shall produce a daughter to take my throne. I have been sent down to Earth as a mortal with my memories but none of my powers. Will I be able to find love or will I fall to the curse of my foremothers?
I long for beginnings. I always see the end. I help the passing of souls as the goddess of Death. I worked well with my sister Spring. But I long to be a part of a beginning. A once upon a time. Not a they lived happily, or unhappily, ever after. I went to our father and cried to him about the injustice of my existence. He took me in his arms and held me as he told me that I would have my Once Upon a Time. I was then sent to live amongst the mortals. My mission is to live my Once Upon a Time to my Happily Ever After. If I fail then I will be dethroned as the Goddess of Death and lose all my powers and knowledge of who my soul truly was and become forever a mortal stuck in a reincarnation loop of despair. Will my Once Upon A Time lead to my Happily Ever After or will I destroy my soul?
The ElementEaters Series
I have started a New Series! 4 Books All Outlined, one 10k words in! For 2018! It is called
The ElementEaters Series
4 ElementEaters
4 Stories
Will They Gain Redemption and Love?
Or Will They Fall To Their Pasts And Flaws?
An ElementEater Novel
Azar Gabija Kenna was born of the molten fires of the Earth. She was a FireEater and immortal. She only had her master. Her teacher. The one she loved like a father. They lived for a very long time before they learned to time jump. One jump equalled one decade. Then about 100 years ago for them Azar fell in love. Edmond was a noble who wanted to make her his lady. But her and her master gained the attention of a WaterEater, Irvin Arlyn Calder. He wanted their power to time jump and to make her his consort. She had to destroy the town to weaken the WaterEater and Edmond was killed along with the town. Now 100 years later and Azar has broken from her master to live her life and stopped time jumping. She was sitting in a college Anthropology class and in walked a reincarnation of Edmond. Will she get a second chance at love or will Irvin make her once again lose out on a true love in his pursuit for her power?
An ElementEater Novel
Anatu was born of the waters of creation. She was once worshiped as a goddess of war. She was a WaterEater and once upon a time she had been in love with Ba'al. A mighty storm god who ended up a king of hell. Where she had sent him after he had killed her family. He and his legion of 66 had brought the number of ElementEaters down to so very few. She vowed never to give her heart again after she sent Ba'al and his legion to hell. Now they have broke out of hell and she must send them back with the help of a mortal. Will she be able to keep her vow or will she fall for this mortal as she sends her first lover back to the depths of hell in which he belongs?
An ElementEater Novel
Irkalla has been known by many names. But she never gave up her spot as an Earth goddess. Not like others. Or like the young ElementEaters who never became gods. She took over a part of the Earth she called Land of The Dead. She was the ruler as she prepared the souls for reincarnation. Then a mortal, a living mortal, has entered her realm looking for his lost daughter's soul. She had given him three tasks and if he wins he may claim his daughter's soul. If he falls she shall gain his. But she never imagined that she would start to respect this mortal. Will she be able to keep her deal or will she do anything, including giving up her goddess throne, to gain his heart?
An ElementEater Novel
Aura was a goddess of life in ancient times. She used her powers to breath life into infants who would never have had a chance. Then her own child was stillborn and her powers could not work. So she ran and hid away. Time jumping and avoiding her master and trainer. Avoiding all humanity. Three thousand years later she decided now that her master is no longer hunting her and has taken a newborn FireEater on she can live her life alone. She decided to jump many years away from them into modern times. She never imagined when she opened her bar Elements she would hire a man who would test her determination to be alone and to never have another child. Will she run again or will this man and his son bring out her power long dormant within her?
The ElementEaters Series
4 ElementEaters
4 Stories
Will They Gain Redemption and Love?
Or Will They Fall To Their Pasts And Flaws?
An ElementEater Novel
Azar Gabija Kenna was born of the molten fires of the Earth. She was a FireEater and immortal. She only had her master. Her teacher. The one she loved like a father. They lived for a very long time before they learned to time jump. One jump equalled one decade. Then about 100 years ago for them Azar fell in love. Edmond was a noble who wanted to make her his lady. But her and her master gained the attention of a WaterEater, Irvin Arlyn Calder. He wanted their power to time jump and to make her his consort. She had to destroy the town to weaken the WaterEater and Edmond was killed along with the town. Now 100 years later and Azar has broken from her master to live her life and stopped time jumping. She was sitting in a college Anthropology class and in walked a reincarnation of Edmond. Will she get a second chance at love or will Irvin make her once again lose out on a true love in his pursuit for her power?
An ElementEater Novel
Anatu was born of the waters of creation. She was once worshiped as a goddess of war. She was a WaterEater and once upon a time she had been in love with Ba'al. A mighty storm god who ended up a king of hell. Where she had sent him after he had killed her family. He and his legion of 66 had brought the number of ElementEaters down to so very few. She vowed never to give her heart again after she sent Ba'al and his legion to hell. Now they have broke out of hell and she must send them back with the help of a mortal. Will she be able to keep her vow or will she fall for this mortal as she sends her first lover back to the depths of hell in which he belongs?
An ElementEater Novel
Irkalla has been known by many names. But she never gave up her spot as an Earth goddess. Not like others. Or like the young ElementEaters who never became gods. She took over a part of the Earth she called Land of The Dead. She was the ruler as she prepared the souls for reincarnation. Then a mortal, a living mortal, has entered her realm looking for his lost daughter's soul. She had given him three tasks and if he wins he may claim his daughter's soul. If he falls she shall gain his. But she never imagined that she would start to respect this mortal. Will she be able to keep her deal or will she do anything, including giving up her goddess throne, to gain his heart?
An ElementEater Novel
Aura was a goddess of life in ancient times. She used her powers to breath life into infants who would never have had a chance. Then her own child was stillborn and her powers could not work. So she ran and hid away. Time jumping and avoiding her master and trainer. Avoiding all humanity. Three thousand years later she decided now that her master is no longer hunting her and has taken a newborn FireEater on she can live her life alone. She decided to jump many years away from them into modern times. She never imagined when she opened her bar Elements she would hire a man who would test her determination to be alone and to never have another child. Will she run again or will this man and his son bring out her power long dormant within her?
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Redemption Earned
Random WIP:
Redemption Earned
All Rights Reserved
Ralf was built to be a warrior. Trained from birth; he felt himself above all. He took what he wanted when he wanted. He was the warrior leading armies into battles. Then one of his victims killed him and the Fates and Death judged him to live forever; until he gained the forgiveness of his murderer. Fast forward three thousand years and he has seen would be gods, the creation of religions, the fall of empires and many other ‘historical’ events of humanity’s past. He has learnt the best and worst of humanity. He gets notified his soul mate has once again been reborn 21 years ago. Now he must win her or face another two thousand years alone.
Redemption Earned
All Rights Reserved
Ralf was built to be a warrior. Trained from birth; he felt himself above all. He took what he wanted when he wanted. He was the warrior leading armies into battles. Then one of his victims killed him and the Fates and Death judged him to live forever; until he gained the forgiveness of his murderer. Fast forward three thousand years and he has seen would be gods, the creation of religions, the fall of empires and many other ‘historical’ events of humanity’s past. He has learnt the best and worst of humanity. He gets notified his soul mate has once again been reborn 21 years ago. Now he must win her or face another two thousand years alone.
Tastes Like God
Random WIP:
Tastes Like God
All Rights Reserved
One event. That is all it takes. One event. Rather it seconds, days, weeks, months, or years. It just takes one event to change the hero into the villain. But sometimes. Just sometimes, it can take one person to save the villain and redeem them. Will James be saved? Or is he to far gone?
James wiped the blood off his hands. From Marine and hero to a hunter of men. He smirked as he looked at his next victim who had watched the other's death. "Ready?"
"What does it feel like to kill without remorse?" The man spat at him.
James smirked and licked his fingers and looked him in the eye. "Tastes like God." He stated.
Tastes Like God
All Rights Reserved
One event. That is all it takes. One event. Rather it seconds, days, weeks, months, or years. It just takes one event to change the hero into the villain. But sometimes. Just sometimes, it can take one person to save the villain and redeem them. Will James be saved? Or is he to far gone?
James wiped the blood off his hands. From Marine and hero to a hunter of men. He smirked as he looked at his next victim who had watched the other's death. "Ready?"
"What does it feel like to kill without remorse?" The man spat at him.
James smirked and licked his fingers and looked him in the eye. "Tastes like God." He stated.
Diamond Absolutes
Random WIP:
Diamond Absolutes
All Rights Reserved
There are so few absolutes in life. But in death,that is all there are. Absolutes. You are dead. You are judged. You are sent to hell, for love. You killed in love. You killed to protect. You defended your nation. And then God sends you to hell because you don't feel you did wrong. You don't need to repent. In life, there are no absolutes. But in death... there are only absolutes. And Indigo Daniels is about to learn these Diamond Absolutes.
Diamond Absolutes
All Rights Reserved
There are so few absolutes in life. But in death,that is all there are. Absolutes. You are dead. You are judged. You are sent to hell, for love. You killed in love. You killed to protect. You defended your nation. And then God sends you to hell because you don't feel you did wrong. You don't need to repent. In life, there are no absolutes. But in death... there are only absolutes. And Indigo Daniels is about to learn these Diamond Absolutes.
Celtic Knot
Celtic Knot:
Alexandra's Story
All Rights Reserved
Alexandra was living in Ireland; she was a baby Guardian compared to the others. Suddenly she starts noticing signs. After all, she was a good Catholic once upon a time before she was murdered by her own family. Someone was breaking the seals, but the end was stopped but the damage had been done. The Four Horsemen were released. Now she had to stop them. If she didn't then the whole world may perish before its time. What she never expected was to find out that maybe, just maybe, she could find her soul mate
They look out at their work. It is their greatest achievement. They smirked as they sat on their horses, one was white, one was blood red, another black, and the last almost a translucent, pale color. A little nudge is all the mortals ever needed. Being released was perfect. They couldn’t believe they tricked the lamb to break the seal of the four horsemen. War turned to hear a noise. "Oh, a little Guardian!"
Alexandra looked at the being. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be."
War smirked. "Good bye; for now little Guardian!" They then disappeared.
Alexandra stood there in shock. She hadn't expected the Horseman to be a thing of beauty. Especially not War. She sat down on the ground. She frowned. How was she going to trap the Horsemen and send them back to their cages?
Alexandra's Story
All Rights Reserved
Alexandra was living in Ireland; she was a baby Guardian compared to the others. Suddenly she starts noticing signs. After all, she was a good Catholic once upon a time before she was murdered by her own family. Someone was breaking the seals, but the end was stopped but the damage had been done. The Four Horsemen were released. Now she had to stop them. If she didn't then the whole world may perish before its time. What she never expected was to find out that maybe, just maybe, she could find her soul mate
They look out at their work. It is their greatest achievement. They smirked as they sat on their horses, one was white, one was blood red, another black, and the last almost a translucent, pale color. A little nudge is all the mortals ever needed. Being released was perfect. They couldn’t believe they tricked the lamb to break the seal of the four horsemen. War turned to hear a noise. "Oh, a little Guardian!"
Alexandra looked at the being. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be."
War smirked. "Good bye; for now little Guardian!" They then disappeared.
Alexandra stood there in shock. She hadn't expected the Horseman to be a thing of beauty. Especially not War. She sat down on the ground. She frowned. How was she going to trap the Horsemen and send them back to their cages?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
To Hell And Back
Random WIP:
To Hell and Back
All Rights Reserved
Karli signed up to fight in the wars. Who exactly the enemy was her leader wouldn't tell her. Karli signed up because Eden had spoken to her soul. Karli had given up her soul the moment Eden first spoke. But as the war continues Karli starts to question if she is on the right side... Things are not adding up. Is Eden the true evil? And if so will Karli be able to save herself before this powerful silver-tongued woman destroys her? After all, she vowed to follow Eden To Hell and Back...
“I am good. I am the light. Follow me and be saved.”
These were the words she used that day. I believed her and at that moment I choose to follow her. To hell and back.
I awoke in the camp the next morning. I had signed my life to her and was prepared to fight the enemy. I walked to the camp as I whistled a little tune. "Morning!"
"Karli! Good morning."
I was to find out the enemy that day. Who we were fighting and I couldn't wait.
I sat down and took the coffee that was offered to me. "Sooo...?"
"The enemy is an unknown entity. Though we know of it and know they have an army against us we do not know their leader. We only know they are true evil."
So they knew nothing... "How do you fight that in which you do not know?"
"With determination Karli." She smiled at me the icy blue of her eyes ensnared me. I only wanted her.
'But..." I couldn't get out my objection my thoughts all on her and not this blasted war that both sides refused to give.
“There are no buts Karli, there is only a determination and faith that we will be the victors of this Godforsaken war.” She said as she blew her blood red hair from her face.
“You are correct.” I looked at this perfect being, through we were both fae, she looked like a goddess, her looks unique. I looked like any fae, glowing red eyes and blue hair with highlights, mine were purple, but others had different colors.
“I know I am. We fight tomorrow at dawn. The evil’s army is on the way here.”
To Hell and Back
All Rights Reserved
Karli signed up to fight in the wars. Who exactly the enemy was her leader wouldn't tell her. Karli signed up because Eden had spoken to her soul. Karli had given up her soul the moment Eden first spoke. But as the war continues Karli starts to question if she is on the right side... Things are not adding up. Is Eden the true evil? And if so will Karli be able to save herself before this powerful silver-tongued woman destroys her? After all, she vowed to follow Eden To Hell and Back...
“I am good. I am the light. Follow me and be saved.”
These were the words she used that day. I believed her and at that moment I choose to follow her. To hell and back.
I awoke in the camp the next morning. I had signed my life to her and was prepared to fight the enemy. I walked to the camp as I whistled a little tune. "Morning!"
"Karli! Good morning."
I was to find out the enemy that day. Who we were fighting and I couldn't wait.
I sat down and took the coffee that was offered to me. "Sooo...?"
"The enemy is an unknown entity. Though we know of it and know they have an army against us we do not know their leader. We only know they are true evil."
So they knew nothing... "How do you fight that in which you do not know?"
"With determination Karli." She smiled at me the icy blue of her eyes ensnared me. I only wanted her.
'But..." I couldn't get out my objection my thoughts all on her and not this blasted war that both sides refused to give.
“There are no buts Karli, there is only a determination and faith that we will be the victors of this Godforsaken war.” She said as she blew her blood red hair from her face.
“You are correct.” I looked at this perfect being, through we were both fae, she looked like a goddess, her looks unique. I looked like any fae, glowing red eyes and blue hair with highlights, mine were purple, but others had different colors.
“I know I am. We fight tomorrow at dawn. The evil’s army is on the way here.”
Shades of Fear
Random #WIP
Shades Of Fear
All Rights Reserved
Nathaniel Samuels was going on 16, a progeny, a genius, and a charmer with a silver tongue. His goal was to become the best lawyer ever seen. At least that was the plan. He was also color blind. Until one day he started to see flashes of color. Confused he put it out of his mind; until he was going into the best know defense law firm, Agares, Flauros and Rimmon and his world exploded into color and a man claiming to be his father grabs him and whisks him away to a top secret training facility. His father heads a group called Κυνηγοί της Δαίμονες, it is a group of Nephilims whose only mission is to destroy the demons of Earth. But unknown to Nathaniel he is so much more and his training and finding out he is a son of The Archangel Michael is just the beginning…
The Archangel Michael wasn’t as wholesome and just as they stated…
What does that mean about what is said about The Morningstar?
Micheal looked around and saw nothing. Nothing but the normal chaos, panic, and disorder of humanity. He sneered. He was here to train his son how to kill demons. He was coming into his powers. And when he was 18 he would ascend. As long as he knew his place as a warrior. If he didn't he would have to be killed as heaven could not allow a Nephilim walk around unleashed. Just like hell can't allow a Cambion go around untrained. It was a myth they had to be killed. No they started to come into their powers around 15 or 16 and then were trained. If trained right they would be followers of their heavenly or hellish parent. Loyal to a fault and knew their place. No heaven and hell needed their half-blooded freaks. Cambions had an easier time fewer rules and such, number one is to make deals for souls and two don't get off'ed by a Nephilim. Purgatory was worse than hell. Vast boredom and nothingness for eternity waited for the half-bloods if they were killed. Human Purgatory was not so bad. The souls were burned in a purification ritual and then allowed to go to heaven. Very few human souls went to hell. And very few demons wanted to stay in hell so they processed humans and breed and caused chaos and panic. He shook his head as he watched his son train. His son could never be told his true parentage past the angelic blood. For if he knew just who his mother was then heaven would lose its greatest weapon against her.
Shades Of Fear
All Rights Reserved
Nathaniel Samuels was going on 16, a progeny, a genius, and a charmer with a silver tongue. His goal was to become the best lawyer ever seen. At least that was the plan. He was also color blind. Until one day he started to see flashes of color. Confused he put it out of his mind; until he was going into the best know defense law firm, Agares, Flauros and Rimmon and his world exploded into color and a man claiming to be his father grabs him and whisks him away to a top secret training facility. His father heads a group called Κυνηγοί της Δαίμονες, it is a group of Nephilims whose only mission is to destroy the demons of Earth. But unknown to Nathaniel he is so much more and his training and finding out he is a son of The Archangel Michael is just the beginning…
The Archangel Michael wasn’t as wholesome and just as they stated…
What does that mean about what is said about The Morningstar?
Micheal looked around and saw nothing. Nothing but the normal chaos, panic, and disorder of humanity. He sneered. He was here to train his son how to kill demons. He was coming into his powers. And when he was 18 he would ascend. As long as he knew his place as a warrior. If he didn't he would have to be killed as heaven could not allow a Nephilim walk around unleashed. Just like hell can't allow a Cambion go around untrained. It was a myth they had to be killed. No they started to come into their powers around 15 or 16 and then were trained. If trained right they would be followers of their heavenly or hellish parent. Loyal to a fault and knew their place. No heaven and hell needed their half-blooded freaks. Cambions had an easier time fewer rules and such, number one is to make deals for souls and two don't get off'ed by a Nephilim. Purgatory was worse than hell. Vast boredom and nothingness for eternity waited for the half-bloods if they were killed. Human Purgatory was not so bad. The souls were burned in a purification ritual and then allowed to go to heaven. Very few human souls went to hell. And very few demons wanted to stay in hell so they processed humans and breed and caused chaos and panic. He shook his head as he watched his son train. His son could never be told his true parentage past the angelic blood. For if he knew just who his mother was then heaven would lose its greatest weapon against her.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Run For Freedom
Random WIP:
Run For Freedom
All Rights Reserved
Natasha Grey was born and would die in the Military. Or that was what she thought. She had been betrayed by the very people she swore to protect. They had thrown her under a bus; after a decade of faithful service. And now she must clear her name and save her brother from those who betrayed her. But what will be the cost? Natasha is willing to do anything to save her brother. Even becoming the bride of the most dangerous man she had ever met. Discover Natasha’s Story in Run For Freedom.
Run. That was the only word in her head. So she did. She had to run. It brought freedom. She smirked as she ran right to the edge of the cliff. She stopped and turned around looking at those how had betrayed her. “See ya on the flip side!” She yelled and then did a backwards dive off the cliff.
Run For Freedom
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Natasha Grey was born and would die in the Military. Or that was what she thought. She had been betrayed by the very people she swore to protect. They had thrown her under a bus; after a decade of faithful service. And now she must clear her name and save her brother from those who betrayed her. But what will be the cost? Natasha is willing to do anything to save her brother. Even becoming the bride of the most dangerous man she had ever met. Discover Natasha’s Story in Run For Freedom.
Run. That was the only word in her head. So she did. She had to run. It brought freedom. She smirked as she ran right to the edge of the cliff. She stopped and turned around looking at those how had betrayed her. “See ya on the flip side!” She yelled and then did a backwards dive off the cliff.
Monday, August 22, 2016
The Blessed Fallen
Random WIP:
The Blessed Fallen
All Rights Reserved
Fallen. That is what I am. I was once a perfect being. I stood on God’s side and fought for him, and him alone... Until the humans. Now I am one of the Blessed Fallen. I protect them from the shadows. I stay in the shadows. Hell, I am the shadows. Hell. Funny. Why? I will get to that. Nothing stops me from interacting with these humans, but I cannot allow myself to care for them. Because there are things I cannot change. I know that my former siblings cause destruction and pain and it is my job to prevent some but I cannot prevent it all. I sighed as I help yet another child pass on as The Fallen One sent another of his minions to cause pain. My name? Well to answer that we must go back to when I fell. Back when I was the Bride of The Morning Star...
The Blessed Fallen
All Rights Reserved
Fallen. That is what I am. I was once a perfect being. I stood on God’s side and fought for him, and him alone... Until the humans. Now I am one of the Blessed Fallen. I protect them from the shadows. I stay in the shadows. Hell, I am the shadows. Hell. Funny. Why? I will get to that. Nothing stops me from interacting with these humans, but I cannot allow myself to care for them. Because there are things I cannot change. I know that my former siblings cause destruction and pain and it is my job to prevent some but I cannot prevent it all. I sighed as I help yet another child pass on as The Fallen One sent another of his minions to cause pain. My name? Well to answer that we must go back to when I fell. Back when I was the Bride of The Morning Star...
Friday, August 19, 2016
Into The Dark
Random WIP
Into The Dark
All Rights Reserved
Everybody thinks death is the end. Well, I found out it wasn't. Death was just the beginning. When I became something that I never imagined. I had a new purpose as my dreams ended with my death. My soul was now no longer my own. I had a master. A creator. And for me to save myself I would have to obey while I plotted my freedom and made my way Into The Dark.
Into The Dark
All Rights Reserved
Everybody thinks death is the end. Well, I found out it wasn't. Death was just the beginning. When I became something that I never imagined. I had a new purpose as my dreams ended with my death. My soul was now no longer my own. I had a master. A creator. And for me to save myself I would have to obey while I plotted my freedom and made my way Into The Dark.
It was a dark and stormy night… Wow, talk about clichĂ©! But in this story the start of this horrific tale horror, it does start on a dark and stormy night. It was the night I died. And trust me nobody forgets the night they died; especially a person with an eidetic memory. After all, this is the in which many dreams have died and mine included. So it was a dark and stormy night as I walked from my latest class, I hated the class but I had to take it if I wanted to gain my dream’s ending. After all, I was made to fly. I look down and smile at my Air Force Uniform. One day I will be in the black as it calls to my very soul… this was my last thought. I was hit upside the head at that point and all I felt was pain before my soul left my body.
Little Russian Dolls
Random WIP:
Little Russian Dolls
Short Novelette Coming Soon
All Rights Reserved
Viktor just wanted to empty his father's house and sell it and never look back after his father's death. Never did he imagine him and his friends would be fighting for their life from a myth his Grandmother told him when he was a small boy. Will they make it out alive or will they fall to the 'myth'?
“They were my grandmother’s. Back home in Mother Russia…” He cut himself off by laughing. “God I sound like my mother. Mother Russia. Seriously fuck the place. Anyways,” he drank the last of the can of beer. “Grandmother said these dolls hold the souls captive, never allowing them to move on. Either as punishment or for torture. They are never to be opened, especially the ones that have death faces, such as these, since the death faces represent the worst souls- demons on Earth, without being actual demons. Souls that love nothing more than to kill and when released will kill again. And the only way to stop them would be to unleash all the souls first and then call them back. But the souls released can keep you from doing so by taking the dolls. And if you have the original trapper’s blood, the worst soul, the smallest doll, can overtake yours and you will be the one forever trapped.” Viktor threw them in a box. “So Grandmother said never to open them.”
Little Russian Dolls
Short Novelette Coming Soon
All Rights Reserved
Viktor just wanted to empty his father's house and sell it and never look back after his father's death. Never did he imagine him and his friends would be fighting for their life from a myth his Grandmother told him when he was a small boy. Will they make it out alive or will they fall to the 'myth'?
“They were my grandmother’s. Back home in Mother Russia…” He cut himself off by laughing. “God I sound like my mother. Mother Russia. Seriously fuck the place. Anyways,” he drank the last of the can of beer. “Grandmother said these dolls hold the souls captive, never allowing them to move on. Either as punishment or for torture. They are never to be opened, especially the ones that have death faces, such as these, since the death faces represent the worst souls- demons on Earth, without being actual demons. Souls that love nothing more than to kill and when released will kill again. And the only way to stop them would be to unleash all the souls first and then call them back. But the souls released can keep you from doing so by taking the dolls. And if you have the original trapper’s blood, the worst soul, the smallest doll, can overtake yours and you will be the one forever trapped.” Viktor threw them in a box. “So Grandmother said never to open them.”
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
The Katy Lily Series
Discover The World Of
The Katy Lily Series
Available Now:
Truth and Lies Past and Present Year 1 Book 1
A Nightmare Within A Dream Year 2 Book 2
The Veil Lifts Year 3/4 Book 3
Hunted A Katy Lily Companion Novelette
Corruption? A Katy Lily Companion Novelette
Coming Soon
Elemental Mazes Year 4/5 Book 4
Falling Pieces Year 6/7 Book 5
Dark Shadows Year 8/9 Book 6
Pure Shadow Year 10 Book 7
Forgiven Revenge A Katy Lily Companion Novelette
The Katy Lily Series
Available Now:
Truth and Lies Past and Present Year 1 Book 1
A Nightmare Within A Dream Year 2 Book 2
The Veil Lifts Year 3/4 Book 3
Hunted A Katy Lily Companion Novelette
Corruption? A Katy Lily Companion Novelette
Coming Soon
Elemental Mazes Year 4/5 Book 4
Falling Pieces Year 6/7 Book 5
Dark Shadows Year 8/9 Book 6
Pure Shadow Year 10 Book 7
Forgiven Revenge A Katy Lily Companion Novelette
Journey With Katy Lily Through Her World
As She Discovers
The Light In The Darkness
The Darkness Within The Light
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
The Infinity Symbol
The Artifacts of The Elements: The Katy Lily Series
Spirit: The symbol for Spirit House is the Infinity Symbol. The Great Ba choose this symbol to represent the soul and life of all as never ending. Even if he locked away his broken heart and throne as he fell into a deep slumber until Goodness returned. The throne had two parts taken from in, the infinity symbol that has embedded within and hidden in a crypt that housed the body of Goodness that has been lost to the world, and the other a piece of the wood to create the Great Wand. Because the spirit and soul is never ending, Spirit House had adopted this symbol to represent it.
Spirit: The symbol for Spirit House is the Infinity Symbol. The Great Ba choose this symbol to represent the soul and life of all as never ending. Even if he locked away his broken heart and throne as he fell into a deep slumber until Goodness returned. The throne had two parts taken from in, the infinity symbol that has embedded within and hidden in a crypt that housed the body of Goodness that has been lost to the world, and the other a piece of the wood to create the Great Wand. Because the spirit and soul is never ending, Spirit House had adopted this symbol to represent it.
The Wand
The Artifacts of The Elements: The Katy Lily Series
Air: The symbol for Air House is a Wand. The Great Sylph was said to destroy his wand to help create a new one for Goodness. He took his Oak wand and crushed it releasing the last breath of his only child, whom had been lost in the war, and guided it into the wand and then he took the smallest piece, the strongest point of his wand, and placed it into the Holly wood that would become the Great Wand for Goodness to rid the world. This wand was then given to an ancient family for protection until Goodness came and claimed it.
Air: The symbol for Air House is a Wand. The Great Sylph was said to destroy his wand to help create a new one for Goodness. He took his Oak wand and crushed it releasing the last breath of his only child, whom had been lost in the war, and guided it into the wand and then he took the smallest piece, the strongest point of his wand, and placed it into the Holly wood that would become the Great Wand for Goodness to rid the world. This wand was then given to an ancient family for protection until Goodness came and claimed it.
The Goblet
The Artifacts of The Elements: The Katy Lily Series
Water: The symbol for Water House is a Goblet. The Ondine Royalty forged a Goblet in the blood of the fallen Goodness to help create a part of a weapon to help Goodness save the world once more. To help protect not only the humans but all creatures from all paths of life, those that are ‘dark’ and those that are ‘good’ those who practice black magic and those who practice white. As Darkness ruling the world would kill the souls of all, including the Earth. This Goblet was hidden and the exact location lost, only whispers through the royal family can still be heard.
Water: The symbol for Water House is a Goblet. The Ondine Royalty forged a Goblet in the blood of the fallen Goodness to help create a part of a weapon to help Goodness save the world once more. To help protect not only the humans but all creatures from all paths of life, those that are ‘dark’ and those that are ‘good’ those who practice black magic and those who practice white. As Darkness ruling the world would kill the souls of all, including the Earth. This Goblet was hidden and the exact location lost, only whispers through the royal family can still be heard.
The Dagger
The Artifacts of The Elements: The Katy Lily Series
Fire: The symbol for Fire House is a Dagger. Daggers are often forged in fire, and the ancient dagger was said to have been forged by the fires of the Great Salamander and cooled in the blood of Darkness and Goodness when they both died in the Great War. As with the staff of the Great Gnome the Dagger was hidden. They say the dagger was created by the Great Salamander as he was connected to Goodness. It says that the Dagger will aid either Darkness in ridding Goodness from the world or, if it does what they were created to do, it will destroy pure Darkness for good. It is a part of a larger weapon that Goodness is to use to make sure Darkness never has a chance to destroy life on Earth.
Fire: The symbol for Fire House is a Dagger. Daggers are often forged in fire, and the ancient dagger was said to have been forged by the fires of the Great Salamander and cooled in the blood of Darkness and Goodness when they both died in the Great War. As with the staff of the Great Gnome the Dagger was hidden. They say the dagger was created by the Great Salamander as he was connected to Goodness. It says that the Dagger will aid either Darkness in ridding Goodness from the world or, if it does what they were created to do, it will destroy pure Darkness for good. It is a part of a larger weapon that Goodness is to use to make sure Darkness never has a chance to destroy life on Earth.
The Staff
The Artifacts of The Elements: The Katy Lily Series
Earth: Though often shown with a mountain symbol the true symbol of the Earth House is The Staff. It is said the Great Gnome rules with a staff of Elder with a Pentagram burned into the top. this Artifact is said to have been hidden from all as the Gnome waits for the next battle between Goodness and Darkness. Hopefully the final battle. The Staff is said to have only one piece broken off of it, that piece is said to reside within the wand of the reincarnation of Goodness. And the whole staff is part of a larger weapon to help Goodness in the second War for Earth’s Soul.
Earth: Though often shown with a mountain symbol the true symbol of the Earth House is The Staff. It is said the Great Gnome rules with a staff of Elder with a Pentagram burned into the top. this Artifact is said to have been hidden from all as the Gnome waits for the next battle between Goodness and Darkness. Hopefully the final battle. The Staff is said to have only one piece broken off of it, that piece is said to reside within the wand of the reincarnation of Goodness. And the whole staff is part of a larger weapon to help Goodness in the second War for Earth’s Soul.
The Gnome
In The Katy Lily Series Each Element Has A being That Represents It, For Earth It Is The Gnome. Gnomes are known as the Earth Dwellers, There is even a Gnome like Earth God in Egyptian Mythology, named Geb, who is shown as a little old gnome man with white beard, Thus the Gnome is The Being Of Earth Elementals.
The Ondine
In The Katy Lily Series Each Element Has A being That Represents It, For Water It Is The Ondine. Ondies are water Ondines are almost invariably depicted as being female, and are usually found in forest pools and waterfalls. The Water Element is represented by a female Ondine and only the females gain the being power in the Katy Lily Series, though the males carry the gene. Although resembling humans in form they lack a human soul, to gain a soul they must acquire one by marrying a human, by marrying a human they give up their immortality. Such a union is not without risk for the man, because if he is unfaithful he will die.
The Ba
In The Katy Lily Series Each Element Has A being That Represents It, For Spirit It IS The Ba. The 'Ba' is an aspect of a person that the Egyptians believed would live after the body died, and it is sometimes depicted as a human-headed bird flying out of the tomb to join with the 'Ka' in the afterlife. It is the personality. It is the soul. But the being of Ba, in Katy Lily, watches over the Magical Souls and sees them for what they are. Good or Bad.
Monday, August 8, 2016
The Salamander
In The Katy Lily Series Each Element Has A Being That Represents It, For Fire It Is The Salamander. The Salamander in myths was thought to be a great lizard who lived in volcanoes and could be found in the hottest part of any fire. The Being of Fire Elementals thus became the Salamander!
The Sylph
In The Katy Lily Series Each Element Has A Being That Represents It, For Air It Is The Sylph. The Sylph is a mythological spirit of the air, and generally invisible unless he or she wants to be seen. Generally male, but there are females as well. The Being of the Air Elementals is a Male Sylph.
The Pin of Herbology Masters in The Katy Lily Series
The Pin of Herbology Masters in The Katy Lily Series
Herbology- Rose Pin
In tarot, the rose is considered a symbol of balance. The beauty of this flower expresses promise, hope, and new beginnings. It is contrasted by thorns symbolizing defense, loss, and thoughtlessness. A circle in life, balance, and the circle of life. Thus it was chosen as the symbol for Herbology Masters.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Herbology Masters:
LaVonne De’ Medici: Years 1-5
Kurt Halpain: Years 1-5
Darlene Les: Years 6-7
Frankie Simonson: Years 8-9
Althea Harris: Year 10
Herbology- Rose Pin
In tarot, the rose is considered a symbol of balance. The beauty of this flower expresses promise, hope, and new beginnings. It is contrasted by thorns symbolizing defense, loss, and thoughtlessness. A circle in life, balance, and the circle of life. Thus it was chosen as the symbol for Herbology Masters.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Herbology Masters:
LaVonne De’ Medici: Years 1-5
Kurt Halpain: Years 1-5
Darlene Les: Years 6-7
Frankie Simonson: Years 8-9
Althea Harris: Year 10
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Master Symbols Of The Katy Lily Series
In the World Of Katy Lily the Majoity of Witches and Warlocks gain Masteries. Each Mastery has a Pin to Symbolize The magical Subject. This Short Book is about The Symbology of those Pins!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
The Pin of Language Masters of The Katy Lily Series
The Pin of Language Masters of The Katy Lily Series
Languages- Lips Pin
Lips are a symbol of communication. When a person is talking a person’s eyes are drawn to the lips. Thus those who master in Languages chose the lips to represent their mastery.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Language Masters:
Sabrina Roux: Years 1-5
Betty Rizzoli: Years 1-5
John Porter: Years 6-7
Danny O’ Rouke: Years 8-9
Lillia Bay: Year 10

#IndieAuthor #KatyLilySeries #Writing
Languages- Lips Pin
Lips are a symbol of communication. When a person is talking a person’s eyes are drawn to the lips. Thus those who master in Languages chose the lips to represent their mastery.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Language Masters:
Sabrina Roux: Years 1-5
Betty Rizzoli: Years 1-5
John Porter: Years 6-7
Danny O’ Rouke: Years 8-9
Lillia Bay: Year 10

#IndieAuthor #KatyLilySeries #Writing
The Pin of Telepathy Masters of The Katy Lily Series
The Pin of Telepathy Masters of The Katy Lily Series
Telepathy- Brain Pin
The focus of Telepathy is not only learning control over reading other’s surface thoughts, or even communicating with specific people, but also how to close ones mind. Thus the pin of the masters of this field is symbolized by the brain, the great unknown much like the minds of everybody is, even if one can gain surface thoughts.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Telepathy Masters:
Xavier Basset: Years 1-5
Melisa Bloom: Years 1-5
Zoey Mosley: Years 6-7
Ollie Kitchen: Years 8-9
Raoul Aldren: Year 10
#Writing #KatyLilySeries #IndieAuthor
The Pin of Thaumaturgy Masters of The Katy Lily Series
The Pin of Thaumaturgy Masters of The Katy Lily Series
Thaumaturgy- House Pin
Thaumaturgy- is the capability of a magician to work magic. In the case of Katy Lily it is the study of home magic. How to keep a home using both magic and non-magical means. Thus the Thaumaturgy Masters choose a simple yet meaningful symbol for their pin.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Thaumaturgy Masters:
Mary Rian: Years 1-5
Jay Beckman: Years 1-5
Frank Baker: Years 6-7
Thomas Gates: Years 8-9
Gabriel Zacharga: Year 10
#IndieAuthor #Writing #KatyLilySeries
Thaumaturgy- House Pin
Thaumaturgy- is the capability of a magician to work magic. In the case of Katy Lily it is the study of home magic. How to keep a home using both magic and non-magical means. Thus the Thaumaturgy Masters choose a simple yet meaningful symbol for their pin.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Thaumaturgy Masters:
Mary Rian: Years 1-5
Jay Beckman: Years 1-5
Frank Baker: Years 6-7
Thomas Gates: Years 8-9
Gabriel Zacharga: Year 10
#IndieAuthor #Writing #KatyLilySeries
The Pin of Creature Masters of The Katy Lily Series
The Pin of Creature Masters of The Katy Lily Series
Creatures- Snake Pin
Historically, serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. As snakes shed their skin through sloughing, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing. The Ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and continual renewal of life. Because they are symbol of continual renewal and life everlasting it made sense for those who master in the knowledge of Creatures of the world, both Magical and Mundane, would choose the snake for their pin.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Creature Masters:
Orlando O’ Conaill: Years 1-5
Cameron Rodriguez: Years 1-5
Tiffany Macy: Years 6-7
Daniel Flanagan: Years 8-9
Cassiel Elvenia: Year 10
#KatyLilySeries #IndieAuthor #Writing
Creatures- Snake Pin
Historically, serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. As snakes shed their skin through sloughing, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing. The Ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and continual renewal of life. Because they are symbol of continual renewal and life everlasting it made sense for those who master in the knowledge of Creatures of the world, both Magical and Mundane, would choose the snake for their pin.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Creature Masters:
Orlando O’ Conaill: Years 1-5
Cameron Rodriguez: Years 1-5
Tiffany Macy: Years 6-7
Daniel Flanagan: Years 8-9
Cassiel Elvenia: Year 10
#KatyLilySeries #IndieAuthor #Writing
The Pin of Potion Masters of The Katy Lily Series
The Pin of Potion Masters of The Katy Lily Series
Potions- Caldron Pin
The cauldron is a symbol of transmutation, germination, and transformation. When one thinks of potions they think of cauldrons so it isn’t a shock that Potion Masters choose it as their pin. However, above all is symbolizes the womb, and therefore, is a Goddess symbol as well. There are many beliefs around cauldrons, example in Celtic lore the cauldron is the symbol of the Underworld. Some of the most famous cauldrons are found in Celtic lore. For example, the Daghda cauldron that provided sufficient food for everyone, and the cauldron of Bran the Blessed that conferred rebirth. It came to symbolize the womb of the Great Goddess, this belief arises from the concept that everything is born out of it and returns to it. The original cauldron symbols were gourds, wooden vessels, or large shells. Eventually the symbolism of metal cauldrons became linked to the hearth and home because they were used to cook meals. Cauldrons have held a magical significance in many cultures throughout the centuries. Because of these deep beliefs it is no shock the Potion masters choose this well-known symbol as the
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Potion Masters:
Antonio MacCathmhaoil Sr: Years 1-5
Jessica St. James: Years 1-5
Joshua Bennet: Years 6-7
Patrick Donegal: Years 8-9
Zenin Pia: Year 10
#KatyLilySeries #IndieAuthor #Writing
Potions- Caldron Pin
The cauldron is a symbol of transmutation, germination, and transformation. When one thinks of potions they think of cauldrons so it isn’t a shock that Potion Masters choose it as their pin. However, above all is symbolizes the womb, and therefore, is a Goddess symbol as well. There are many beliefs around cauldrons, example in Celtic lore the cauldron is the symbol of the Underworld. Some of the most famous cauldrons are found in Celtic lore. For example, the Daghda cauldron that provided sufficient food for everyone, and the cauldron of Bran the Blessed that conferred rebirth. It came to symbolize the womb of the Great Goddess, this belief arises from the concept that everything is born out of it and returns to it. The original cauldron symbols were gourds, wooden vessels, or large shells. Eventually the symbolism of metal cauldrons became linked to the hearth and home because they were used to cook meals. Cauldrons have held a magical significance in many cultures throughout the centuries. Because of these deep beliefs it is no shock the Potion masters choose this well-known symbol as the
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Potion Masters:
Antonio MacCathmhaoil Sr: Years 1-5
Jessica St. James: Years 1-5
Joshua Bennet: Years 6-7
Patrick Donegal: Years 8-9
Zenin Pia: Year 10
#KatyLilySeries #IndieAuthor #Writing
Elemental Mazes
The Katy Lily Series
Elemental Mazes
Year 4/5
Coming Soon
Is it her Mother she should fear? Or is it Herself?
#KatyLilySeries #IndieAuthor
Elemental Mazes
Year 4/5
Coming Soon
Is it her Mother she should fear? Or is it Herself?
#KatyLilySeries #IndieAuthor
Elemental Mazes Coming Soon
Senka Is Watching...
She Is Waiting...
The Mazes Are The Perfect Cover
She Will Gain Her Daughter
But For Now She Waits
As Katy Lily Battles For Her Life
Because The Mazes Have Taken Lives
But It They Aren't The Most Dangerous Thing
Katy Lily Will Face In Her 4th And 5th Years
At Bridgett's School For The Magical Arts
Elemental Mazes Year 4/5
Book 4 of The Katy Lily Series
Coming Soon

She Is Waiting...
The Mazes Are The Perfect Cover
She Will Gain Her Daughter
But For Now She Waits
As Katy Lily Battles For Her Life
Because The Mazes Have Taken Lives
But It They Aren't The Most Dangerous Thing
Katy Lily Will Face In Her 4th And 5th Years
At Bridgett's School For The Magical Arts
Elemental Mazes Year 4/5
Book 4 of The Katy Lily Series
Coming Soon

#IndieAuthor #KatyLilySeries #Editing #Writing
The Pin of Spell Masters of The Katy Lily Series
The Pin of Spell Masters of The Katy Lily Series
Spells- Wand Pin
The Wand symbolizes power. It is seen from the Bible to fiction and the World of Katy Lily is no different. The Wand is a grounding source for one’s power. The wand and its magical powers had its cultural origins in an ancient symbolic language, which was also used in the narratives of Holy Scripture. For instance, when Moses frequently stretched out his “rod,” miraculous things always followed this symbolized power from God or Divine power. According to theologian Emanuel Swedenborg, in the original language used by ancient shepherds, a rod referred to a traveler’s staff. A traveler’s staff represents the power of supporting the body just as the power of truth supports and serves the soul. This is the reason why shorter “rods” or “staffs” that became known as wands were used by kings to represent the power of truth (from God) residing within their royal proclamations and edicts. These wands used by the royalty were called scepters. A shepherd’s staff symbolized the power they exercised over their flocks. The Romans even used sticks tied together in bundles to symbolize the power of laws that served and promoted the common good of society. It is because of this symbolism that Egyptian magi made use of rods to perform their miracles. Finally, this symbolism was further modified to become a magician’s wand. In Katy Lily the wand is there to harness and balance the elemental magic within the person’s soul. That is why those who master in Spells, also known as Spell Crafters, chose this very ancient symbol as their pin.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Spell Masters:
Lexis McRaov : Years 1-5
Robyn Charles: Years 1-5
Rae Monet: Years 6-7
Glen O’ Donnelly: Years 8-9
Jarek Richardson: Year 10
#KatyLilySeries #IndieAuthor #Writing
Spells- Wand Pin
The Wand symbolizes power. It is seen from the Bible to fiction and the World of Katy Lily is no different. The Wand is a grounding source for one’s power. The wand and its magical powers had its cultural origins in an ancient symbolic language, which was also used in the narratives of Holy Scripture. For instance, when Moses frequently stretched out his “rod,” miraculous things always followed this symbolized power from God or Divine power. According to theologian Emanuel Swedenborg, in the original language used by ancient shepherds, a rod referred to a traveler’s staff. A traveler’s staff represents the power of supporting the body just as the power of truth supports and serves the soul. This is the reason why shorter “rods” or “staffs” that became known as wands were used by kings to represent the power of truth (from God) residing within their royal proclamations and edicts. These wands used by the royalty were called scepters. A shepherd’s staff symbolized the power they exercised over their flocks. The Romans even used sticks tied together in bundles to symbolize the power of laws that served and promoted the common good of society. It is because of this symbolism that Egyptian magi made use of rods to perform their miracles. Finally, this symbolism was further modified to become a magician’s wand. In Katy Lily the wand is there to harness and balance the elemental magic within the person’s soul. That is why those who master in Spells, also known as Spell Crafters, chose this very ancient symbol as their pin.
Bridgett’s School For The Magical Arts Spell Masters:
Lexis McRaov : Years 1-5
Robyn Charles: Years 1-5
Rae Monet: Years 6-7
Glen O’ Donnelly: Years 8-9
Jarek Richardson: Year 10
#KatyLilySeries #IndieAuthor #Writing
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