Friday, April 29, 2016
An Unholy Killer Chapter Three
Later that early morning an undercover FBI agent is on the road talking to a pro "you see anything strange going on around here?"
"Ya going to have to be more specific then that sweetie this place is always strange."
"I hear a psycho is on the loose."
"Nah just some johns is killing dumb newbies he is a mystery though and I am to smart to get into a car with no name.
"You said johns?"
"Yeah more then 1 one black car no plates one blue car no plates and the 1st one was a white mini van MN plates."
"You have a good memory."
"Yep know which johns pay good which to avoid."
"You see the drivers?"
"Nah, really covers up well, the person was small would say it was a woman but picking up one of us is not a woman's style plus no hair from the hoodie, woman can't hide, this person can, so all thems was a male. Could have been the same man but different cars there were different places of death."
"You said 3?"
"Yep cops don't act as quick as word spread here."
"You call the cops or give a statement?"
"Nah cops don't listen to us, think we stupid or something its just no easier way to make money so we can live."
"You could save a life.'
"Not mine but whatever you game or not john?"
"Not, but thank you for the info I am look out for my sister she works the streets I just wanted to make sure she is safe." The agent hands the pro 100 dollars."
"She new?" The pro asks taking the money. "New girls are not safe they make many mistakes.'
"No she has been here three years now, won’t come home but since new are the targets I am satisfied for now." The pro walks from him and back to the corner. The agent drives off back to head quarters. Thank full he didn't have to blow his cover but he calls in the lead that a third death may have happened.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
An Unholy Creation Chapter Three
Each class the same, I would sit and listen, they would sit and think of boy things, for four months we would go day in day out they would sit with me a lunch, Theodore would come over I would leave, I would listen to their thoughts in the study halls, in the class rooms, I would even sometimes sneak out at night just to catch a glimpse of their dreams. Then Christmas came, and things changed.
“Hey, Kat” Marcus said catching up with me “what are you doing for Christmas break?”
“Nothing” I was on my way to the lunch room and grabbed his thoughts before he even saw me, he was thinking about inviting a couple of us over to his house for Christmas.
“Well, I was wondering there are only a few of us staying for the holiday, Chris and I because we live here, but you and a couple others will be stuck in the dorms, so I was wondering if you would like to come over for Christmas dinner?”
“I will have to think about it.” I know it is supposed to be sunny that day and I don’t know if I can risk it. But I can feel the disappointment so I add “I will probably come but it depends on the weather, you know snow and all. Don’t you think it is weird you are inviting a teacher?”
“Oh, okay, my dad has a truck so we can always drive over and pick you guys up if you can’t make it. And you are not a teacher yet which makes you cool.” At that point, I smelled his dad, he was coming down the hall and again I was distracted, this was going to have to stop. To be around mortals, I had to be focused or at least the part of me had to be, but Theodore Simmons is testing fate.
“Oh, Marcus, where is your lunch?” Theodore was trying to get Marcus to walk away from me.
“Oh I left it in my locker, Kat, I will be right back then we can go to lunch.” Chris and Marcus are the only ones who sit with me and they still think it is weird I don’t eat food, but they don’t say anything.
“Katyla, I would like to see you after to school to talk to you about your presentation today.”
“Fine, I will be there after the final bell rings.” With that I turned and walked away I haven’t hunted in the last couple of weeks and Theodore’s sweet smelling blood was way too tempting I would have to skip my next class and hunt. So I skipped out on lunch and my last two classes I told the principal I wasn’t feeling well. I hunted up north a bit, got me a nice polar bear who was a little more active than I thought it would be, and got myself a nice gash that is healing very quickly. But my shirt was ruined, so I went and changed into one of my gym shirts before heading to Theodore’s classroom. It was dark out now, we were in winter mode.
I walked in and found him, his blood all over. The smell hit me, I wanted the blood, but a large unknown force made me focus on him, not his blood. He was dying, and I knew the mark the killer had made on his hand, it was Argo’s assassin, Gavin. The mark was cut into his hand; it was two sickles shaped into a cross. I could do nothing about the mark but I would save his life, I could not turn him that would bring Marcus into the vampire world to soon. So I preformed the only spell I knew to heal the damage. “From the Heavens above, the Hells below, from the north to the south, from the east to the west, the sprits of the earth, air, water, and fire, and of my soul, I call upon these powers to heal the man before me, Theodore Simmons, so mote it be!” With those words I collapsed and my wound from the bear reopened, I would need more blood to heal, I left though the window. I ran as far as I could and happened upon some deer, after killing seven I was healing enough, after twelve I was healed. The only reason I don’t do that spell is the need for blood afterwards, one human would have done the trick, but I have sworn off human blood, totally since the fateful day my life was destroyed before my eyes. I could have healed without the blood but it would have taken a month or so, it would have been a mortal wound if I had been human.
I ran back to the class room just as Theodore was waking up. The scar on his hand there forever now. It is a mark of death in the vampire world, nobody had lived after Gavin gave them that mark, not before Theodore. Due to the loss of blood, he smelled different, which I did not like for some unknown reason, but it was allowing me to focus a bit more around him.
“What happened” Theodore was sitting up. “I was standing here waiting for you and this man came in and attacked me, did you see him leave? I could have sworn I was cut.”
“I didn’t see anybody, Mr. Simmons. When I got here you were laying on the floor, I was wondering about what to do when you started to wake up.” Lies but necessary I can’t bring Marcus in to this world yet. And Argos has found me, but why go after Theodore I do not spend time with him, nor do I a spend time with Marcus. “Did he say anything to you?” I asked helping him to his desk chair, then sitting down at the closest desk.
“Yeah, it was strange, he said ‘Tell her that we know where she is, we know what power she processes. Tell her she will not win, she shall never see her son again.’ It was strange but didn’t give a name, to tell.”
“Should I go to the office and call the cops?” I was worried. I was to receive that message. Why not turn him? Or at least drain him, why give him a message just to kill him?
“Yeah, I guess we should call the cops, we don’t want anybody getting hurt. Hmmm… funny he cut this symbol in my hand but it is healed up…” Theodore just let the sentence die, got out his cell phone and called the cops. I excused myself to use the rest room, or so I said.
Once I was outside I did a tracking spell and realized that Gavin was close by pissed that Theodore lived he wanted to kill another, I snuck up on him, and I discovered the reason they knew to attack this man. They turned a seer, once a seer in life, more powerful in death. He had seen my son and Theodore, and me; he had shown Argos my happiness. Argos gift was to be shown what others saw, if he had turned them. That is why he turned this seer. To know when the last days of his reign were coming to an end. He was sitting in the woods about two miles out of the school yards. I took my knife, and I cut his head off, his body turned to ash, Gavin normally was not stupid, but he was worried about Argos, he was becoming crazier and crazier, he was only on this mission to keep Argos from killing more vampires. Too bad he will never go back to Argos. I went back to the classroom; it only took me thirty minutes.
“Katyla, we were starting to worry, you were gone awhile.” Theodore said as I walked in, he was leaning against his desk his arms crossed.
“I wanted to pull myself together; there is some blood over there by the window. It upsets my stomach.” Not really but I wanted to drink his blood and it had a stronger pull over me than any other. I went and stood in the corner of the room.
“I understand. The officers were just asking if I could give a description, all I could remember was the red eyes, are you sure you didn’t see anybody leave Katyla?”
“A figure, he had a black coat on he wasn’t running or anything so I didn’t take notice.” No matter how good of look anybody got, they were never going to find him Gavin is dead, ash to ash dust to dust. I even took a hand full, and sent it to Argos, can’t wait to see his reaction to that.
“Sorry we couldn’t be more help officers, but we thought it should be reported.” Theodore’s thoughts were confused, as were the police officers, there was a lot of blood but no injuries they could see. “I wish I could explain the blood, but I don’t seem to be hurt, and I could have sworn he cut me.” Theodore was explaining, next time I will have to remember to leave a minor wound but I had no time to make a specific enough spell, he was almost dead.
“Officers, he left though the north exit.” That would lead the officers away from the woods were Gavin’s ashes were and away from the dorms, and towards town.
“Is there anything missing?” The first officer, is tag said P. Charles, was wondering if this was some type of joke now. Theodore looked around and noticed his wedding band was gone.
“Yes, my wedding band, I was wearing it, I guess he must have taken it.” Theodore was upset that is the only thing his late wife had given him, which he could hold on to forever. Then I knew the whole story, Theodore was upset it was missing not because he loved his wife, but because of guilt. It was his fault she was driving in that area that day. He had asked for a divorce. He knew she was seeing someone else, and did not think he could ignore it, even though he had fallen out of love. He never told Marcus that they were discussing a divorce. They had met the divorce attorney that day; they left with most of the stuff agreed upon. She went one way, towards her boyfriends place, and him another. Theodore got a call ten minutes later; a bus had run a red light killing Sarah, his wife, instantly. Theodore was feeling guilty because if he hadn’t asked for the divorce, then she would never have been near that intersection. Gavin must have sent it to Argos, because it was not on his person, and since I am assuming it was blessed by a priest of some sort like most bands are, it would not have turned to ash, when the vampire did, it was a holy object.
The police officers were making notes, and wondering why we were still in the school building after school hours most of the kids and staff take off to the study halls and dorms, he was wondering if there was something going on between us, but I was just standing very still in the corner of the room, and Theodore was leaning against the edge of his desk. He thought something was off but, he was telling himself he was just imaging things. The second officer spoke as they were leaving, his tag and said G. Harn. “Well, we will see what we can find, sir, miss.” With that they walked out the door.
“Well, that sure was interesting.” Theodore said sitting down and rubbing his hand across his face and in his hair. I went to stand in front of his desk. I was looking at the damage, a simple spell would make things right, I would do that tonight after Theodore left.
“Do you still want to talk about my report?”
“Might as well, after all tonight starts Christmas break.”
“What is wrong with it?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to speak to you again about some of your sources.”
“Okay, what about them.”
“How did you find all these sources for your Shakespeare presentations?”
“I own the books.” True, I even wrote some of them, even though I didn’t like Shakespeare, I needed to be able to make a living, though I have enough for a hundred lifetimes right now, but I am going to live a lot longer than that.
“I thought you didn’t like Shakespeare?” Theodore was sure something was off with me, I didn’t act like a young adult, and didn’t look like one, he was thinking I have old eyes, wouldn’t it be a shock to find out he was right. Not that he saw my real eyes, but an illusion, so they looked as brown as they were when I was human.
“I don’t but schools teach Shakespeare, I have a family member who was a big fan. And I minored in English; it is kind of hard to avoid Shakespeare.” The lies were going to wrap around me soon, nobody ever questioned me before Theodore. Don’t get me wrong I can remember everything told to me and everything I say, but I just don’t like lying though it has been part of my life for almost six thousand years.
“Alright, I am going to clean up here, you can leave for your dorm.” Theodore was standing up going to his closet.
“I will help, since I have no homework in any of my classes, and only a handful of papers to grade.” I turned to start a simple spell.
“That is not necessary; you have been though a lot today.” Theodore was right behind me.
“No it is fine, I like to stay busy.”
“Why Alaska, why stay here?”
“I have an allergy that most people don’t know about, it is to the sun, it is very rare but real, here I can stay out during the day and not worry about sunburn.” I couldn’t tell him the honest answer, which was I was a vampire and I didn’t want to bring Marcus in to my world until he was older.
“Oh, how many more classes at the college do you have left?” Theodore, was not moving he stayed right behind me while I stood there answering his questions.
“I…” I couldn’t think straight for the first time since the change. “I will graduate in the spring with a B.S, just next semester’s two classes and my student teaching hours.”
“So you are going to be a history teacher?”
“Yes, or biology, the school here wants to hire me, but not sure what class to hire me for, they have a few other applicants, since the head of history and head of biology are leaving, leaving an entry level position open in both.” It doesn’t help that all of a sudden both ‘won’ some money to retire, and Marcus was going to be a junior next year.
“So you plan on staying here then?” He was not moving, even to clean up, and my spell died on my lips.
“Yes, I have realtor looking at houses for me, I plan on making my life here.” At least for the next few years, before the fact I don’t age starts becoming an issue.
“That is nice, the houses over by mine are easily affordable on a teacher’s salary and there a few of them for sale.” I knew that but I wasn’t going to tell him, and I stopped trying to get around whatever was blocking his thoughts.
“I will have to check those out, do you have paper towels?” I asked bringing us back to the situation at hand.
“No I have some napkins and shop towels, I will go get some from the janitor.” He was shocked to see how close he came to me, and how we just stood there talking.
“Okay I will start while you go and get the other towels, this may be enough but don’t want to risk it.”
“I will be right back.” With that Theodore left the room, and I breathed out and in, did the spell, make sure the paper towels and stuff we had were used, so by the time he came back the cleaning was done, and I was gone. I left a note on his board:
~Theodore, I have cleaned up, didn’t take too long. Tell Marcus I will try to make it for Christmas. ~Kat
Monday, April 25, 2016
An Unholy Creation Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Marcus and Christopher did not think of much just the normal teenage boy things, and that was some boring things, so I just sat in my seat in the back turning around my own thoughts on how to bring myself into their lives. The bell rang and off to lunch we went. I went and grabbed my drink from my locker and went and sat at my table before most people left the class room, I don’t sit with the staff, they don’t feel comfortable, so I agreed to sit down watching the students. They didn’t see me they didn’t care. Nobody sits next to me, I am the strange one. I check people’s thoughts to make sure they are not thinking that I am anything but human; they always wonder why I don’t eat. My drink is a synthetic blood I created for when I am around people. Mostly it helps me deal with the sun, but real blood is needed or I become a slave to my hungers, and I can't afford to fail in my choice. I can eat but choose not to have the pain of my body rejecting the food. I will eat when I must, but my body rejects the food, and I am weakened and in pain for about twenty four hours afterward, normally I tell people something didn't sit right with me. I hunt animals in the area mostly. I was watching for them when they came in, the each grabbed what they wanted and looked around for a place to sit. Theodore walking in distracted me for a moment and when I focused myself I noticed Marcus and Christopher walking toward my table.
“May we sit with you?” Marcus asked, standing behind a chair at my table.
“Of course, please have a seat.” I told them waving my wand in front of the chairs and they sat down.
“Don’t you eat anything?” Christopher was asking.
“Tomato soup, I like to drink it out of my thermos. I am Kat by the way.” Of course most days the thermos is just a prop, I use it only on sunny days. I really only drink the synthetic blood once a week, it really doesn’t have an effect on my cravings.
“I am Marcus and this is Chris.” Marcus said. “Where are you from?”
“Many places, I am a military brat.” Not true but it would explain why I was in a boarding school when I was younger with no parents, so I use it as my back story, then and now. “When my mother passed away my father sent me here for boarding school here. I am now a student teacher. I never thought I would like it in Alaska but it grows one you.” I put my plan in action trying to bond with Marcus, it is true my mother dead but that was almost six thousand years ago, she died when I was a child, during childbirth with my youngest sibling who also passed away. “Where are you from?”
“I am from here, born and raised.” Chris stated. “My parents just like the school here.”
“I am from New York City; my dad took the English job here when my mother passed away during the summer.”
“I am sorry to hear that, it is hard to lose ones mother.”
“What class do you want to teach?” Chris asked changing the subject. But before I could answer Theodore came over to our table. He distracts me and that is bad. And his blood is so tempting it is all I can do not to breathe while he is around.
“How is everything going over here?”
“Great, dad” Marcus said looking embarrassed. I could read Theodore’s thoughts, and he had heard about me in the staff lunch room how I was a little off, how on the sunny weekends I always stayed in, how I was a student teacher who always looked a little to bored, how I was friends with none of the staff. He kind of wanted Marcus to stay away from me, Chris knew of me, but he never really thought about sitting at the table until Marcus suggested it.
“I was just getting up to leave.” I finished my drink, and got up. “Maybe I will see you guys later.” With that I left, I stood outside the lunch room, listening to their conversation.
“Marcus, I hear she is strange didn’t Chris tell you that as well.”
“I did Mr. S.” Chris said.
“I don’t care she seems cool, she would make a good friend, and you told me to make my own judgments and not follow a crowd.” Marcus was really angry at his dad, he thinks there is something about me that is familiar, family like, and he just can’t make the connection.
“Mr. S, she really doesn’t do much but go to, watch over, and teach some of the classes then goes and watches over the study hall, and then she retreats to her dorm room, where she keeps an eye on the freshman. She is a little strange, and she only gives vague info about her family.”
“Well you two better go off to your next class.” With that Theodore left and walked back to the teacher’s lounge. With that I left to go to my locker and my next class.
An Unholy Killer Chapter Two
Chapter Two
The car came up it was blue this time still there were no license plates and the figure was as always dressed in black and the hooker walks up to the car the figure opens the door and she gets in saying it will be 250 for a ride of his life. The figure drives to an abandoned building and the figure gets out the hooker follows and strips and turns around. She hears the rustle of plastic and then feels the searing shocking pain. She is stabbed again multiple times but nobody is around to hear her scream with her final breaths of life. The figure is counting she hears and she hears the number 57 as the last thing she hear before her life force gives away into nothing. The figure continues to stab the lifeless body, 117 times to be exact just like the previous 2 times. Then just like the previous two times the figure strips and walks to a hose and turns it on letting the water run over its hands then wipes everything down even though the figure is still wearing the gloves, it then walks over and places the clothes and the gloves into a bag and gets dressed from a different bag then it gets in to the car. The figure drives about 20 minutes into the desert and where a group of homeless people are staying. The figure places the clothes into the canister they are burning out of and pours lighter fluid on top and throws in a match to light it on fire, then gets into the car and drives for another 50 miles before parking getting out of the car and wipes it down and getting into the waiting car. Again down in time the figure is getting better.
Monday, April 18, 2016
An Unholy Killer Chapter One
Ch. 1
The next morning... "Good Morning Las Vegas! You are listening to..." The radio snooze button is pushed and four 7 year olds run in to the bedroom.
"Mom Mom Mom Mom."
"What?!" The young woman is now alert.
"There is a story on the news that there is a psycho killer on the loose in Las Vegas!"
"Are we safe?" They youn woman's child is asking. The mother gets up and lifts them off the bed.
"Of course you all are I would never let anything happen to you four now get ready to go to school." The children hug there mom and then run out of the room to the living room where the sit down in front of the television. In the bedroom the phone rings.
"Hello, Anderson household." this young woman had gone back to her maiden name and changed her children’s last name to Anderson as well.
"Jennifer Anderson, turn on the news." the person on the other end tells her.
"Let me guess, Amanda, there is a new killer on the loose, my 7 year old children came in running this morning worried about their safety."
"Yeah, but Jenni, this man is sick."
"He couldn't have killed over 2, I haven't been notified, but what is the situation?"
"This is the 2nd killing I guess and the victims are prostitutes."
"Go on."
"Well this guy is picking them up taking them to abandoned fields and killing them after he has them undress."
"The first murder was last week, stabbed multiple times from behind and the same with the second victim."
"Any leads on a suspect?"
"Not that the newspaper has been made aware of. But the boss down here wants to link to a Jack the Ripper copycat, and use the headline The Ripper Reincarnated."
"Nice but Jack's first victim was never actually linked to him, so Jack only killed five woman cutting them up and mutilating them."
"True, but maybe he wants to double the number."
"The serial killer, who the copy cat admires, had a ritual and the copy cat will usually do it by the book and don't vary."
"Yeah, yeah miss FBI serial killer profiler rain on my fun."
"If you do go with that lead let me know what happens that gives tell tale signs."
"I'll be sure to let you know, talk to you later."
"Later, Amanda." With that Jenni hung up the phone and yelled out to her kids "You dressed?"
"Yes Mom" she heard 4 voices yell back to here.
She gets up and puts on her robe and makes her way to the kitchen glancing at the clock by her bed, it is six thirty in the morning and to early to be up on a Thursday, but her 4 children get up even earlier for the cartoons. As she gets things ready for breakfast she can't help but remember that her life changed with one phone call from Amanda telling her to turn on the news, it was a different death different. Her husband was holding a press conference and had publicly asked for a divorce in a way. He was confessing to hiring prostitutes and he had contracted HIV though a threesome. He was confessing to hiring both male and female 'escorts' was the word he used. She is fine that was three years ago now and many HIV tests later, they are still negative and she thanks God everyday that her and her children are fine. Here ex husband was never the same he was the mayor of Las Vegas and had a huge political career ahead of him, which was destroyed with his confession. She thought about going back home to Adair, that is in Iowa, back to here daddy's farm. She had bought it for him about 8 years ago before her children were born, and her dad would welcome her and her children back with open arms, but there are not many serial killers in Adair, and she works for the FBI profiling team specializing in serial killers, she travels a lot but not so much from Las Vegas, that is why she stays. She also teaches some times at the local high school, history, so that way when she is taking a mind break she has something to do when the kids are at school. But mostly she works from home on her cases. Now what got Jenni into this line of work, well her family was not the normal type of family they are a weird bunch, they loved to watch true crime shows, especially about unsolved murders, so she would follow up use as much information as she could get and solved many crimes before being trained by the FBI to do so. Well what happened was the FBI tracked these anonymous tips that turned out right all the time and came knocking at her daddy's front door. They sat down and asked a million questions for hours, before deciding to pull her from school, get her a GED and stick her in the profiling class at the FBI head quarters. Two years later she was the best in here field and she went to college mostly on-line but sometimes in class Political Science and History major with a secondary education certificate. She met her husband Richard Armstrong, he was a law student and 27 she was 18. He had gotten his masters in Political Science and then was finishing up law school, it was a crazy courtship. They married within 6 months of knowing each other. She was working for the FBI and he was setting up his political career and soon won a mayoral election right out of law school. She bought her dad his farm back and within a year she was pregnant and had four children, Agnes Bridget, Christopher Ross, Evelyn Rae and John Lee. After the children started to go to school at the age of 3 she started teaching part time so as not to be alone all the time with her work. Then 3 years ago the bomb was dropped on her. Her husband of 6 years was admitting to affairs with both women and men! And that he had HIV. She was floored he did that across national television. They were asking him were she was. She was at home in her kitchen watching the television with Amanda on the other end of the phone, she was in shock. She first went to a doctor and had blood drawn from there she got the best divorce lawyer in town, there was no way that man would get anything of hers or her children. Her dad flew out and stood by her side for the year and half of hell. She won, she got full custody of the children, the reason being certain underage prostitutes came forward and he lost all rights. Her children did not know why she was mad at their father but they were so young when going though the divorce. She changed her and her children's' last names back to Anderson. Now her kids watch the news every morning- case in point new killer. Not yet defined as a serial killer unless of course there has been 1 other linked. But if there was she would have received a call for a profile as soon as the third body had been found.
"Mom, we want pancakes." Evelyn states.
"You do?"
"Yes, Yes" I hear Chris and John agree.
"How about you Ag?" She just nods her head in agreement, that is her quiet child.
"Well okay thank I will make some really quick we wouldn't want you for late for the bus today." She starts cooking while they go back to watching their cartoons, she is thinking about the day ahead as she sets the places and starts serving up pancakes. "Kids come and get it." She has to go down to the main headquarters today and her children only have today and tomorrow before being let out for Christmas break. She sits and eats with her children just watching them she doesn't get to much time, they finish and do a mad dash to the door all four could be heard yelling "bye mom" down the hall. She gets the dishes and washes them and puts them away and turns to her room to prepare for the day.
An hour later she walked into the FBI Las Vegas head quarters signed in walked right over to the door with a huge restricted sign on it and swiped her ID card gaining access and here boss was right inside waiting for her to show up.
"Jennifer, we have a problem" he was telling her as they walked to the conference room once in the conference room.
Jennifer asked " with what a new serial killer or one of our 39 actives?"
"Remember that profile you made for your final - the scorned female."
"Our fake profiles we needed to do, yeah why? I mean how could we forget that , praise from the professors and shit from the guys in the class, they at least choose males or copy cats or the normal typical serial killer, but I made up a woman, not typical out of the ordinary very extreme and will probably never see in this life." Jennifer and her boss are Mike are sitting at a conference table, talking so nobody can hear.
"Wrong, someone has your profile or had to have at least read it, they are coping it, to perfection."
"Okay we think that it is a male that is killing the victims, the victims are actually getting into the car- they are pros."
"Just as in my profile, well make fake profile. I mean the killer could be a female, homosexual or even bisexual, are the killings after a sexual act?"
"Not that we know of there was no sign of entry and the doc found nothing on the bodies to suggest sex within hours of being killed, most likely the first customer of the night."
"Any undercover cops in the area?"
"Yeah, I may have the fielders ask the people on their corners."
"You may want to pull them and send the johns, we don't want our agents killed if there is a psycho on the loose."
"Good point as soon as the third body is found which should be tonight I want a profile and get yours out, we need to go over both with a fine tooth comb, and keep this between only the team."
As she walked from the conference room to her office she could see Mike's wheels turning in his head. He was right of course when he said it was most likely a male killer, but who knows how many people had access to her grad project. She went home soon after checking her email and putting in an appearance, she waited for her children to come home cooked supper and helped them with their home work and put them to bed, but this issue was still on the back of her mind. It kept her up all night, that she was able to pull the finish product from her file (there are 2 copies one at the library in the FBI and hers) and starting the new profile.
An Unholy Creation Chapter One
Chapter One
watch from afar, I see him now, though I could smell him long before he walked
up to those steps. Funny how I can now
walk in the day time as long as there is no direct sun, Alaska has been such a
great place for me over the centuries, though Scotland, especially Ben Nevis,
has been a close second. I now live on
Saint Bridget Island in Alaska, and have off and on since a fateful day two
thousand years ago. At first I thought I
would never see the sun again, but I found I only burned that first day because
my body was still changing, though direct sunlight will burn me, being out
under the clouds are fine, but my powers are cut in half. But even so they are still over a hundred
times greater than humans.
watch him and I remember how much has changed in the last almost six thousand
years. My son was killed by Argos when
he was determined to rule the humans with an iron hand, not caring for humanity
his eyes glowing red with evil, Marcus and I had fought against him but he
created others with his views, he had killed my son. I had wanted to die but he allowed me to
live, though I did try to destroy myself, I did not succeed. I cursed him.
I had cursed Argos with the fact my son shall be reborn and once he was
of age he would remember his life all of his past and his present and Marcus
and his army would destroy Argos and his followers. Argos never comes out in the day, the very
thought of the sun has him running for his coffin. For some reason him and his men still burn
even if it is a glorious cloudy day, I still do not know why. Due to this reason, he never got a chance to
rule the humans instead he stays out of sight trying to rule all vampires, it
is as messed up as the US politics.
I am pretending to be a student teacher again; thankfully
there is now a new boarding school here on Saint Bridget. The younger I am when I move back the longer
I can stay, I usually stay about ten to fifteen years if I start out as a
freshman which I did eight years ago.
And the new transfer student that just walked up those steps smells just
like my son did; even from here I could see his dark black hair, and his icy
blue eyes. Then there was his friend,
Christopher, who looked more like Chris Brown then a typical Alaska raised
child. Marcus’s father who shared the
icy blue eyes and ink black hair, I have never smelled as sweet as smell as the
one from him, the father that is. I knew from his thoughts his name was
Theodore, and from his thoughts he was just a teen himself when Marcus was
born, but now seeing his son go to the same school he did, he was glad him and
his wife had kept Marcus even though times were bad, being 17 and a new
father. Thankfully it did not take much
to make sure Marcus was in many as the same classes I was sitting in on as
possible, and got the study hall and dining hall hours I was assigned to watch
over. There was nothing I could do about
the dorms, I am a female after all and the dorms are still guys and girls.
I heard the bell ring but I did not move, I waited until
just a second before the tardy bell rang then appeared at my desk in the back,
people avoid me, which was good, though I don’t hunt humans, their blood, still
is a weakness, one I control with an iron grip, though I have slipped up a few
times, but not in the last two thousand years, would not allow myself to like I
did before, I would not allow my son's death to be in vain.
teacher walked in, and started taking role.
After that he started talking about Shakespeare, I hate English class,
but with a minor in English they want me
to sit in, they talk about the classics, but I met Shakespeare and he was just
an annoyance, his stories the same over and over, they were going to have to
read Macbeth. The teacher, Mr. Theodore
Simmons, was new this year and Marcus’s dad in this life. He was newly widowed and had to get away from
New York City, Marcus wasn’t really happy about Alaska but it was better then
being presented with the death his biological mother in this life. I just have claim to him though his soul due
to the reincarnation.
Mr. Simmons stopped at my desk and looked at me, then
handed me my book. He looked at me for a
moment most likely because I tensed up, his blood so sweet from afar was even
better up close, and for a split second all I could think of was how to get him
away from the children, so I could have his blood. A million different scenarios came to
mind. I was so focused on his blood I
did not notice he went back up to the front and asked if any of the students
had read any of Shakespeare’s plays before, Marcus and Christopher raised their
hands, no surprise their English teacher dads and all, I learned that
Christopher’s dad was the senior level English teacher. Mr. Simmons was surprised. I was reading his thoughts though they were
not completely clear, something was blocking them but I was working my way
around them. Mostly so I could choose
which way to lure him to his death. When
I try to get into people’s thoughts it always reminds me of the danger of other
vampires, most of us have some type of special gift, we all have speed,
strength and trawl, I am able to read ones past and ones thoughts, when I rest,
I get visions, that is how I knew to be here at this time, and I sit here now
hoping that the visions I get will help me protect Marcus in this life.
“Which of his plays have you read, Katyla?” Mr. Simmons
asked. His voice, saying my name brought
me out of my thoughts, the thoughts of draining him, and muted all the voices
around me; it was like his voice was the only thing in the whole world that
should mean anything. The sensations
that his voice brought forth in me were foreign to me. The vampire in me wanted his sweet blood, but
the woman, well I can’t explain it; I wanted him for myself. Forever.
“Call me Kat, and I have read all of his works” and I had,
I had even seen Shakespeare himself play Juliet, I even own some manuscripts of
his that had never been published, people know almost nothing of his early
work. My voice sounded off, I had to
focus on my words.
“What do you think of them?”
“A little to cut and dried for my liking the times he
writes about were not exactly like that, take Romeo and Juliet for example,
Romeo would have been killed on sight for trying to defile Juliet, Juliet would
have been married off to further an ally with one of the neighboring lands.”
“And how do you know what would have happened?”
“History is my subject, I study the past and there is not a
lot I don’t know about it, I was a History Biology major English Art
minor.” Which was not 100% true; I had
graduated about 60 years ago with a Ph. D in History from the local university,
of course I lived though all the things they talk about happening in
history. I also have medical degrees,
English degrees, all sorts, of degrees, there is not much I don’t know, I also
speak almost every language ever spoken, there is a couple ancient Native
American languages I don’t know, mostly because they were wiped out before I
came to the ‘New World’.
“Okay, how about Macbeth, what do you think about it?”
“Well it is historically accurate after all Macbeth would
have killed his predecessor and he would have been killed as well.”
“None of you have read Shakespeare; does anyone know
anything about his plays, besides Marcus and Christopher?” Nobody raised their hands. After an hour and half of this awful class
the bell rang. “Katyla, would you please
stay a minute.” Mr. Simmons asked after I walked by his desk. I stopped and turned around, and waited for
him to speak.
“Do you want to lead class discussion once a week for the
“I can do that, what would you like it to be on? Would you
like it on Shakespeare himself or the play?”
“Shakespeare; how long until you graduate?”
“I am a senior, next semester.”
“What other classes are you sitting in on? I know you only
sit in on my first class of each day.”
“I sit in on, Biology, Chemistry, History, Political
Science, Ceramics and English.”
you better get to your next class” he turned around to get something but I had
already left, and was in the next class by the time he turned back around. I had to leave, or I would have done
something I would regret, I am just not one hundred percent what that would
have been.
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