I am torn about my feelings of this book, part of me is so proud to be a part of this project, the other part is saddened that this project even has to exist. As everybody knows on 12/14/12 Sandy Hill Elementary was attacked and 26 angels found their way to heaven that day. There have been many tears shed and humanity has shown that there is still a sense of love and unity as the nation's, the world's, heart reached out to Newtown, CT and the families effected by this tragic event. I was contacted by Stephen Wilson asking me to be a part of this project and I said yes, without thought without hesitation, as an Indie author there may not be much that I an do, but to write a short or a poem and donate it to raise money for the effected community was the bare minimum I could do, I have inserted myself in several projects to help these families. But this has got to be the one I am most proud of. Why? Because indie authors around the world, the world not just the United States, but the world, stepped up and donated their works for this anthology. All the works are wonderful and express so much emotion, that I can only hope that the friends and families of the victims, and any person going through similar grief, will find a level of comfort from these short stories and poems. The souls of many have been scared by this tragic event, and I pray that as a nation, as a world, we can step up and prevent another community from having their hearts and souls torn apart from a tragic event such as this one in Newtown, CT.
On 12/14/12, tragedy struck. Authors and artists combined, so that their expressions of emotion could be put to good use. Contributors from around the world came together and we shared our souls for charity. Our effort has combined to create the anthology "Angels Cried." Please purchase this book. The proceeds go to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund, managed by the United Way.
Meghan Arcuri
Michael Bailey
Jen Baker
Ency Bearis
Julian Brooklyn
Allison Bruning
Elizabeth E. Castillo
Crysta Dawn
Guy Anthony De Marco
T.J. Edison
George S. Geisinger
Charlie Giardino
Marianne Halbert
Reyna Hawk
Zrinka Jelic
Cyma Rizwaan Khan
John Kovacich
Rachel E. Kovacs
Catherine Mahoney
Don Martin
Tami Kidd Masincupp
Paul Morrison
Melisha N. Murray
Eri Nelson
Matthew Christopher Nelson
Roseville Nidea
Linda Bonney Olin
Moses Opara
Alan Place
Katherine Rochholz
Kit Roe
L.K. Russ
Sara St. Claire
Crystal Schall
Zantippy Skiphop
Daron Smith
Brien Sparling
Gretchen Steen
Christena Antonia Valaire Williams
Lisa Williamson
Stephen L. Wilson
You can Buy Now, just click the link of your preferred vendor:
Or you can do a direct donation via PayPal If you choose the PayPal option please make sure you include your email address and if you need a .mobi, .epub or .pdf file.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Twelve Unlikely Heroes John F. MacArthur Review
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
"What kind of people does God use to accomplish His work?"
Far from the children's tales depicted in picture books and nursery rhymes, the men and women highlighted in the Bible were unnervingly real. They faltered. They struggled. And at times, they fell short. Yet God worked through them in surprising and incredible ways to accomplish His purposes. Scripture does not hide their weaknesses, caricature their strengths, or spin their stories as a display of human nobility. Instead, it describes these heroes of the faith with unflinching honesty and delivers an unexpected ending: "God is not ashamed to be called their God" (Hebrews 11:16).
In "Twelve Unlikely Heroes," pastor and best-selling author John MacArthur uses his deep knowledge of the Bible and history to take us back to see these three-dimensional men and women in their own times and cultures. In doing so, it becomes clear how their dramatic stories apply to us today. People who might at first seem foreign quickly become familiar and unforgettable--particularly as they reveal the true Hero behind every witness, the power counterbalancing every weakness, "the Author and Finisher of "our faith" (Hebrews 12:1)."
I love when I can learn something from a book and this one doesn't disappoint! I found out a lot about the twelve unlikely heroes of this book. This is the first book I read of John MacArthur and was not disappointed in the book; however that being said there was something missing, can't quite put my finger on it but something left me wanting more from this book. Though this is a good starting point for anybody wanting to know more about people that are spoken about in the bible, it would be just that a starting point. This book took me longer than most to read, but it was very enlightening and informative. And this book encourages me to read his other works or to seek out more information about these twelve unlikely heroes.
*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for free and all opinions above are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review.*
View all my reviews
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The Reason William Sirls Review
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When facing the impossible, will you believe?
Storm clouds gather over a small Michigan town. As thunder shakes the sky, the lights inside St. Thomas Church flicker . . . and then go out.
All is black until a thick bolt of lightning slices the sky, striking the church’s large wooden cross—leaving it ablaze and splintered in two.
When the storm ends—the search for answers begins.
James Lindy, the church’s blind minister, wonders how his small congregation can repair the cross and keep their faith in the midst of adversity. And he hears the words “only believe.”
I liked this book because the situations are believable many of us go through many of the things that these characters when though, it was relate-able and that is why I would recommend this book to anybody. These characters ask questions that we all want answers to, in fact we all have asked these questions a time or two and though these characters don't have the answers they still have faith and still believe. The author really showed that no matter what God loves us and He always knows what is best for us and that things in our life happen to make us who we are and to lead us down the path we are suppose to be on. The supporting characters in this book I loved, they were there for the main characters when they needed them and that was the best thing of all. I don't tear at most books but there was a tear in my eye at some parts of this book. I was on the edge of my seat and read this book very quickly! I was disappointed about some of the loose ends still trailing in the wind a the end of the book but I still would recommend this book to anyone.
*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for free and all opinions above are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review.*
View all my reviews
Monday, November 26, 2012
As you can see the left side of my blog is being taken up by my books and links to other Indie authors! I am going to keep doing this for each of the authors I love but it takes time so if you are one of my authors I will get to you. Just click the pictures and away you go to their facebook pages!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Dead Embers By T.G. Ayer Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Note I received a copy for an Honest Review. I did this review for Bex N Books
Dead Embers picks up immediately from where Dead Radiance finished. And trust me it was heart wrenching! This book takes a darker turn than book one and it makes the book. The dark undertone takes nothing away but gives everything to the plot. This book takes you further into the world of Norse Mythology and takes you on a thrilling dark twisty ride that will leave you breathless and on the edge of your seat. The romantic parts of the relationship are now flowing a bit easier and are more believable. This is a great follow up to book one! This book is full of emotion and action that anybody who likes books based in mythology will love! A Solid 5 stars! I reiceved a copy of this for an honest review and did this review for www.bexnbooks.blogspot.com.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Monster Within By Katherine Rochholz Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
I flip the channels on the television. I am sick of all these black and white monster movies. They were big in the 1940’s. Now that was a time to live in for a monster. They started to romanticize us; I had a blast. I miss those days. Where I could at least be myself; until they started to romanticize the monsters, we were hunted. And a hunt is how I ended up the monster I am. This is my story.
“Henry,” my wife called out to me. “Lord Baron is at the door.”
I looked up from my journal. I couldn’t stand that man, but he was the leader of our little group of monster hunters. “Coming, love.” I stood up from my desk and threw my journal in the drawer locking it.
“Henry! Old man, how are you?” Lord Baron greeted me as I walked into the drawing room.
“Jacob.” I said in a way of greeting. “What has caused the pleasure of your company?”
“Heard about a monster or two, werewolves I think. I am not sure if it is only one or two, but it seems like a lot of death for just one.”
“They are nasty things to hunt during the full moon cycle. Do we have an idea who their mortal host is?”
“No.” Jacob stated simply as the maid set down our tea tray, a tray I knew would sit untouched, but it was the proper thing to offer.
“How about a nice brandy?”
I knew he would ask, so I walked to the bar and poured him a good portion. “Here you are.” I stated and sat down across from him.
“So when do you want to start the hunt?”
“Tomorrow night is the first night of the full moon.”
“Fine. You contact the others?”
“Of course. How is that little project to try to increase our strength going?”
“I am going to test it on myself later.”
“Shouldn’t you try it on a servant first?”
“Should the servants really have that much strength if it works?” I said, though I was a fair boss and didn’t believe my help was below myself, I didn’t want to endanger their lives, however Lord Baron thought otherwise.
“Fair point. Let me know how it goes.” Jacob finished his brandy and stood up to leave.
I stood with him. “Jacob, until tomorrow.” I stated and showed him out.
“What did he want?” My wife asked.
“Love, just business. We are going to have a meeting tomorrow night. I won’t be back until late.”
“I hate your meetings.”
“I know, but they must happen.” I kissed my wife’s check and retreated back to my study.
I pulled out my journal once more and started to look over my notes. I had brewed the formula yesterday, and let it set. It was a moment of truth. A moment that would have defined our hunting expeditions.
I drank it. At first nothing happened and then a burning sensation traveled through me. It threw me to the ground; I thought I for sure was going to die. But I didn’t. I stood up. Nothing about me had changed. I was upset. I tried to pick up the desk but could not; that meant the last three months were for naught. I would have to start from scratch again another day.
The next night I took my horse and rode off to meet up with Jacob and the rest of the group of hunters. When I got there they were all there looking quite worried, the town had already been destroyed by the monsters. The moon wasn’t even up fully yet. What type of being were we dealing with? “What happened?” I asked.
“We do not know. The moon isn’t even high in the sky.” Jacob responded.
“What are we dealing with?”
“A monster of the likes we have never seen before.” An older man came up to us.
“Lord Earle.” I said in way of a greeting.
“Henry, my man. Did your potion work?”
“Richard, it did not I am afraid. It is back to the beginning.”
“Pity. I have a feeling we could have used it with this beast.”
“Well, let’s get to it.” Jacob stated and mounted his horse.
We rode in silence. It seemed like days, but only hours before we heard the howl. We knew that it was only a matter of time before it was upon us. We jumped off our horses and prepared for the beast. We waited only moments but it felt an eternity.
The beast came into the clearing, and I gasped. It was huge. It was larger than any wolf we had hunted before; about three times the size! Its teeth dripped with blood, it walked on hind legs like a man, but was quick. Before I could figure out what had happened he had Byron and Richard both on the ground at its feet. Their throats were ripped from them, and they chocked on their own blood.
I was upset. So upset that the feeling of death came over me, just like the day before when I had taken my potion. The next thing I knew was blackness. When I awoke the next day I lay in a pool of blood. The bodies of all the hunters as well as a new body, which must have been the wolf, lay dismembered and scattered around me. There was blood on my hands, in my mouth, and in my hair, all round me there was blood.
I stood and discovered I was naked. I quickly grabbed a blood stained coat and ran. The horses were even killed. I could do nothing but run. I ran all the way back to town. I ran to my house and threw myself into my study. I had no idea what happened. No clue but I knew I would be labeled a coward. Because I had lived.
I stayed in my office for days. I only came out to eat with my wife. Soon Lord Baron’s nephew and heir came to see me. I answered the door. “Lord Baron.” I said as a greeting.
“Lord Jekyll.” He came into my foyer, and removed his coat. “I came to talk about what happened to my uncle. I take it you were injured which is why you haven’t came out with the rest of the hunters.”
“Yes. Please come with me to the drawing room. We can discuss it there.” I walked into the drawing room and right to the bar. I poured both of us a large brandy. “Here you are Lord Baron.”
“Thank you Sir.” He said and accepted the drink; he took a large drink before speaking.
I sat down across from him and waited. I was unsure of what he would say.
“I will get to the point. You are the only one that lived. What happened?”
“The wolf was larger than any we had ever seen. It was about three times the size. It walked upon hind legs. It attacked. I ran to attack it, upon seeing Jacob and Richard killed. The next thing I knew I woke up in a pool of blood.”
“Why did it let you live?”
“We were able to kill it somehow. I don’t know when or how.”
“It is interesting that you were the only one that lived. Especially since you tested your concoction on yourself that night my uncle came to tell you about the hunt.”
“I don’t like you implication.”
“You don’t have to coward.”
“I am no coward.” My blood began to boil. I, again, felt death upon me. Before I knew it my world had gone black, the last thing I heard was a scream.
I came too just hours later. I lay quite nude in my drawing room. Blood and body parts all around me once more, and worse my wife stood in the doorway. “Love?”
“Mr. Edward Hyde says to congratulate you on finding a woman such as me.” She stated.
“Mr. Hyde?”
“He said that was his name. The monster you became.”
“I… A monster?”
“Yes. You killed Lord Baron when he called you a coward.”
“Well, you did not this Mr. Hyde did. But he is really you…”
I just stared at my wife. At that moment I knew that I had made a mistake. In an attempt to play god, God had turned me into the very thing I hated… A monster…
“We will return after these messages.” The announcer states bringing me back to the present. I sigh. My love had long since passed. She had lived a normal mortal life, by my side. She loved me no matter the monster I became. She was the last person to truly accept Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as one in the same.
I turn off the television. It is playing the 1940’s version of the movie based upon a romanticized version of my life. My friend Sir Stevenson had written my life as a short story and found his fame. I sigh and know that one day Mr. Hyde will be back and there was nothing I can do to stop him… Nothing I want to do to stop him… I have finally embraced the monster within…
“Henry,” my wife called out to me. “Lord Baron is at the door.”
I looked up from my journal. I couldn’t stand that man, but he was the leader of our little group of monster hunters. “Coming, love.” I stood up from my desk and threw my journal in the drawer locking it.
“Henry! Old man, how are you?” Lord Baron greeted me as I walked into the drawing room.
“Jacob.” I said in a way of greeting. “What has caused the pleasure of your company?”
“Heard about a monster or two, werewolves I think. I am not sure if it is only one or two, but it seems like a lot of death for just one.”
“They are nasty things to hunt during the full moon cycle. Do we have an idea who their mortal host is?”
“No.” Jacob stated simply as the maid set down our tea tray, a tray I knew would sit untouched, but it was the proper thing to offer.
“How about a nice brandy?”
I knew he would ask, so I walked to the bar and poured him a good portion. “Here you are.” I stated and sat down across from him.
“So when do you want to start the hunt?”
“Tomorrow night is the first night of the full moon.”
“Fine. You contact the others?”
“Of course. How is that little project to try to increase our strength going?”
“I am going to test it on myself later.”
“Shouldn’t you try it on a servant first?”
“Should the servants really have that much strength if it works?” I said, though I was a fair boss and didn’t believe my help was below myself, I didn’t want to endanger their lives, however Lord Baron thought otherwise.
“Fair point. Let me know how it goes.” Jacob finished his brandy and stood up to leave.
I stood with him. “Jacob, until tomorrow.” I stated and showed him out.
“What did he want?” My wife asked.
“Love, just business. We are going to have a meeting tomorrow night. I won’t be back until late.”
“I hate your meetings.”
“I know, but they must happen.” I kissed my wife’s check and retreated back to my study.
I pulled out my journal once more and started to look over my notes. I had brewed the formula yesterday, and let it set. It was a moment of truth. A moment that would have defined our hunting expeditions.
I drank it. At first nothing happened and then a burning sensation traveled through me. It threw me to the ground; I thought I for sure was going to die. But I didn’t. I stood up. Nothing about me had changed. I was upset. I tried to pick up the desk but could not; that meant the last three months were for naught. I would have to start from scratch again another day.
The next night I took my horse and rode off to meet up with Jacob and the rest of the group of hunters. When I got there they were all there looking quite worried, the town had already been destroyed by the monsters. The moon wasn’t even up fully yet. What type of being were we dealing with? “What happened?” I asked.
“We do not know. The moon isn’t even high in the sky.” Jacob responded.
“What are we dealing with?”
“A monster of the likes we have never seen before.” An older man came up to us.
“Lord Earle.” I said in way of a greeting.
“Henry, my man. Did your potion work?”
“Richard, it did not I am afraid. It is back to the beginning.”
“Pity. I have a feeling we could have used it with this beast.”
“Well, let’s get to it.” Jacob stated and mounted his horse.
We rode in silence. It seemed like days, but only hours before we heard the howl. We knew that it was only a matter of time before it was upon us. We jumped off our horses and prepared for the beast. We waited only moments but it felt an eternity.
The beast came into the clearing, and I gasped. It was huge. It was larger than any wolf we had hunted before; about three times the size! Its teeth dripped with blood, it walked on hind legs like a man, but was quick. Before I could figure out what had happened he had Byron and Richard both on the ground at its feet. Their throats were ripped from them, and they chocked on their own blood.
I was upset. So upset that the feeling of death came over me, just like the day before when I had taken my potion. The next thing I knew was blackness. When I awoke the next day I lay in a pool of blood. The bodies of all the hunters as well as a new body, which must have been the wolf, lay dismembered and scattered around me. There was blood on my hands, in my mouth, and in my hair, all round me there was blood.
I stood and discovered I was naked. I quickly grabbed a blood stained coat and ran. The horses were even killed. I could do nothing but run. I ran all the way back to town. I ran to my house and threw myself into my study. I had no idea what happened. No clue but I knew I would be labeled a coward. Because I had lived.
I stayed in my office for days. I only came out to eat with my wife. Soon Lord Baron’s nephew and heir came to see me. I answered the door. “Lord Baron.” I said as a greeting.
“Lord Jekyll.” He came into my foyer, and removed his coat. “I came to talk about what happened to my uncle. I take it you were injured which is why you haven’t came out with the rest of the hunters.”
“Yes. Please come with me to the drawing room. We can discuss it there.” I walked into the drawing room and right to the bar. I poured both of us a large brandy. “Here you are Lord Baron.”
“Thank you Sir.” He said and accepted the drink; he took a large drink before speaking.
I sat down across from him and waited. I was unsure of what he would say.
“I will get to the point. You are the only one that lived. What happened?”
“The wolf was larger than any we had ever seen. It was about three times the size. It walked upon hind legs. It attacked. I ran to attack it, upon seeing Jacob and Richard killed. The next thing I knew I woke up in a pool of blood.”
“Why did it let you live?”
“We were able to kill it somehow. I don’t know when or how.”
“It is interesting that you were the only one that lived. Especially since you tested your concoction on yourself that night my uncle came to tell you about the hunt.”
“I don’t like you implication.”
“You don’t have to coward.”
“I am no coward.” My blood began to boil. I, again, felt death upon me. Before I knew it my world had gone black, the last thing I heard was a scream.
I came too just hours later. I lay quite nude in my drawing room. Blood and body parts all around me once more, and worse my wife stood in the doorway. “Love?”
“Mr. Edward Hyde says to congratulate you on finding a woman such as me.” She stated.
“Mr. Hyde?”
“He said that was his name. The monster you became.”
“I… A monster?”
“Yes. You killed Lord Baron when he called you a coward.”
“Well, you did not this Mr. Hyde did. But he is really you…”
I just stared at my wife. At that moment I knew that I had made a mistake. In an attempt to play god, God had turned me into the very thing I hated… A monster…
“We will return after these messages.” The announcer states bringing me back to the present. I sigh. My love had long since passed. She had lived a normal mortal life, by my side. She loved me no matter the monster I became. She was the last person to truly accept Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as one in the same.
I turn off the television. It is playing the 1940’s version of the movie based upon a romanticized version of my life. My friend Sir Stevenson had written my life as a short story and found his fame. I sigh and know that one day Mr. Hyde will be back and there was nothing I can do to stop him… Nothing I want to do to stop him… I have finally embraced the monster within…
Monday, November 19, 2012
Compulsion (Moon Coven, #1) K.B. Miller Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I love books with witches and since I enjoyed Haunted by this author I knew I would give this a try. I am a fan of details, but sometimes it seemed like a lit being thrown at you, but for the most part that doesn't take way from the experience of this book. Not only did this book have witches and ghosts and other things that go bump it was all surrounded by a family secret! As you travel down through this journey with the main character you are on the edge of your seat and in the end your itch for more just intensifies. It is a fantastic read. And I can't wait for the next installment.
View all my reviews
Friday, November 16, 2012
Soul's Gate James L. Rubart Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is a wow book!
“Every now and then we get a break from reality. A glimpse into the other world that is more real than the reality we live in 99 percent of our days. The Bible is about a world of demons and angels and great evil and even greater glory.”
What if you could travel inside another person’s soul? To battle for them. To be part of Jesus healing their deepest wounds. To help set them free to step boldly into their divinely designed future.
Thirty years ago that’s exactly what Reece Roth did. Until tragedy shattered his life and ripped away his future.
Now God has drawn Reece out of the shadows to fulfill a prophecy spoken over him three decades ago. A prophecy about four warriors with the potential to change the world . . . if Reece will face his deepest regret and teach them what he has learned.
They gather at a secluded and mysterious ranch deep in the mountains of Colorado, where they will learn to see the spiritual world around them with stunning clarity—and how to step into the supernatural.
Their training is only the beginning. The four have a destiny to pursue a freedom even Reece doesn’t fully fathom. But they have an enemy hell-bent on destroying them and he’ll stop at nothing to keep them from their quest for true freedom and the coming battle of souls.
“Readers with high blood pressure or heart conditions be warned: this is a seriously heart-thumping and satisfying read that goes to the edge, jumps off, and 'builds wings on the way down.'” —Publishers Weekly
I have always had a bit of an addiction to books, all books, including christian, and this will take you on a ride you won't forget. Even after you put this book down it leaves you thinking and you want more! In this book the journey of the main characters shows you the extent God will go to save a soul. It leaves you to think about life, and the choices we face and the actions we take. I love Christian Fantasy and this is some of the best I have ever read! I love this book!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.
View all my reviews
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
A New Anthology that I am in, Well I wrote it under my pen name Kate Charles but you guys should check it out!!!
Click Here to Buy
I want you to imagine that the world as we know it has ended. Total Apocalypse.

11 authors, 11 different stories, one main idea…welcome to the APOCALYPSE…
Monday, November 12, 2012
NaNoWriMo Days 10/11/12
I have turned to become a rebel this year! I am going to work on Katy Lily for the rest of the year, and in January will be doing a Rebel NaNoWriMo where I will finish up Demonic Savior for Spring Release. Until then Viva La Katy Lily Series! Oh FYI here are the schools and their motto of the Katy Lily World!!!
The Elizabeth Institute of Magic
Power is Magic
Cleopatra’s Magical Institute
The Beauty of Magic is in Nature
Athene’s School of Magical Enlightenment
Magic is True Knowledge
South America:
Salvador’s School of Fine Magical Arts
Magic is Art. Magic is Passion
The Areeba Magical Institute
The Soul is Magic
Neuge’s School of Magical Refinement
Magic Knows No Limits
North America:
Bridgett’s School for the Magical Arts
True Magic Lies Within
True Magic Lies Within
The Elizabeth Institute of Magic
Power is Magic
Cleopatra’s Magical Institute
The Beauty of Magic is in Nature
Athene’s School of Magical Enlightenment
Magic is True Knowledge
South America:
Salvador’s School of Fine Magical Arts
Magic is Art. Magic is Passion
The Areeba Magical Institute
The Soul is Magic
Neuge’s School of Magical Refinement
Magic Knows No Limits
Friday, November 9, 2012
NaNo Days 7 8 and 9
I am failing for now but I will get better! Until then here are some covers some will used some are just mock
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
NaNoWriMo Day 6 11/06/2012
Nothing... Man I got nothing! I have been blocked and it is annoying! Thought this posted yesterday... So I leave you with this...
The very first sketch of Katy Lily!
The very first sketch of Katy Lily!
Monday, November 5, 2012
NaNoWriMo Day 5 11/05/2012
Got some writing done today but not a lot... I will catch up but it may be a bit of time... That being said I am playing with new ideas...
Price of a Bounty By S.L. Wallace Review
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I quite enjoyed that book, I generally don't read a lot or write a lot with different POV, so I was surprised how I truly enjoyed this one, most of the time I can be left feeling confused and lost. But this book is written very well. There are a few spots where see a lot of repeated information, but I didn't mind this very much. It was fast paced and kept me flipping the pages. I still really don't the multiple POV and wish it would have been done in 3rd person but that being said that really doesn't distract one from the story line and the plot, which is great! I love the characters and I love the storyline. Some of the wording seemed a bit redundant or a bit forced, but that can be easily overlooked. I give this a 3 1/2, rounding up to 4 for review sites.
View all my reviews
Sunday, November 4, 2012
NaNoWriMo 11/5/2012 Day 4
Failed again... major headache! Got up posting this got a caramel brulee latte thinking caffeine would help... it has not... going home and back to bed...
Saturday, November 3, 2012
NaNoWriMo 11/03/2012 Day 3
Well I haven't written anything yet!!! But I have a new Idea!!!! Here is the new Idea and I think after I make sure Katy Lily 3 gets out and the 2 companions are released I work work on this short novella. I have it started about 500 words in but for you here is the story line:
Raven was a teenage girl... except she had a secret. She is a victim of a bully. She writes about her struggles. She falls into a depression she only sees one way out... She takes her own life...
She is sentenced to Hell for taking her life. While there facing her punishment in the seventh circle a being notices her. They bargain for her soul...
She is sent back to Earth as a harbinger, a bringer of death. She spends much of her time in her mortal form, going on about her life. Trying to live a life she gave up is impossible... however she has a chance to make a new life, with a curse...
When she is not in her mortal form she is in a form of a raven in which she brings death to the mortals in her assigned section of the world...
With hopes she might learn how precious the gift of life really is...
Copyright 2012 Katherine Rochholz
All Rights Reserved
Raven was a teenage girl... except she had a secret. She is a victim of a bully. She writes about her struggles. She falls into a depression she only sees one way out... She takes her own life...
She is sentenced to Hell for taking her life. While there facing her punishment in the seventh circle a being notices her. They bargain for her soul...
She is sent back to Earth as a harbinger, a bringer of death. She spends much of her time in her mortal form, going on about her life. Trying to live a life she gave up is impossible... however she has a chance to make a new life, with a curse...
When she is not in her mortal form she is in a form of a raven in which she brings death to the mortals in her assigned section of the world...
With hopes she might learn how precious the gift of life really is...
Copyright 2012 Katherine Rochholz
All Rights Reserved
Friday, November 2, 2012
Friday 11/02/12 NaNoWriMo Day 2
Second it was a fail day for NaNo only 200 words, but I will make it up this weekend.
And Finally my subject of the day: NaNoWriMo Rebels (my favorite rebels... okay okay so I am sucker for rebels in general!)
First what is a Rebel?
Some examples of rebellion projects done by Wrimos include:
Nonfiction books
Completing or adding on to previously started works
Graphic novels and other art projects
Unrelated fiction writing projects, none of which pass 50,000 words
Unrelated short stories (although this is debatable, as some short story anthologies consist of unrelated stories)
World and RPG developing
Video game scripts and code
Transcribing letters and journals
Rewriting and revising old projects
Outlines for novels or other projects
Rebels often use Nanowrimo's frantic get-it-done energy to complete projects outside the initial scope intended by Chris Baty when he originally laid out the guidelines. Some even set the same word goal of 50,000 words or an equivalent (for example, an art project might involve 50 pictures). Whether or not to verify their word count and get the winner goodies is up to the rebel--some may choose to do so if they meet their goals, whereas others choose to leave their bars purple. While Rebels are acknowledged and welcomed by the OLL, there are no official Rebel-specific website tools or merchandise.
It should be noted that the following fall within the guidelines and are not considered Rebel projects:
Fanfiction/derivative works (Nano does not rule on the content, as long as it is fiction; in fact, as of 2012 there's a fanfiction forum under Genre Lounges)
Fictional memoirs (again, as long as it is (mostly) fictional, it falls within guidelines)
Short stories with a common theme/setting/characters (related short stories are often published as anthologies in one book)
Rewriting an old work (as long as previously written prose is not used)
So There you are in a nutshell... Rebels are not cheaters! They are Rebels! The goal is simple to get your words on paper!!!!
Happy NaNo Everybody and Enjoy!
Second it was a fail day for NaNo only 200 words, but I will make it up this weekend.
And Finally my subject of the day: NaNoWriMo Rebels (my favorite rebels... okay okay so I am sucker for rebels in general!)
First what is a Rebel?
Some examples of rebellion projects done by Wrimos include:
Nonfiction books
Completing or adding on to previously started works
Graphic novels and other art projects
Unrelated fiction writing projects, none of which pass 50,000 words
Unrelated short stories (although this is debatable, as some short story anthologies consist of unrelated stories)
World and RPG developing
Video game scripts and code
Transcribing letters and journals
Rewriting and revising old projects
Outlines for novels or other projects
Rebels often use Nanowrimo's frantic get-it-done energy to complete projects outside the initial scope intended by Chris Baty when he originally laid out the guidelines. Some even set the same word goal of 50,000 words or an equivalent (for example, an art project might involve 50 pictures). Whether or not to verify their word count and get the winner goodies is up to the rebel--some may choose to do so if they meet their goals, whereas others choose to leave their bars purple. While Rebels are acknowledged and welcomed by the OLL, there are no official Rebel-specific website tools or merchandise.
It should be noted that the following fall within the guidelines and are not considered Rebel projects:
Fanfiction/derivative works (Nano does not rule on the content, as long as it is fiction; in fact, as of 2012 there's a fanfiction forum under Genre Lounges)
Fictional memoirs (again, as long as it is (mostly) fictional, it falls within guidelines)
Short stories with a common theme/setting/characters (related short stories are often published as anthologies in one book)
Rewriting an old work (as long as previously written prose is not used)
So There you are in a nutshell... Rebels are not cheaters! They are Rebels! The goal is simple to get your words on paper!!!!
Happy NaNo Everybody and Enjoy!
Just Go Twila Vernon Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this book! It was the perfect follow up to STAY! Which I also loved! I loved the characters, the plot, EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS BOOK!!! If you love romances you will love this book. The characters are written perfectly, the plot doesn't drag, before you know it you have read the book wanting more!!! Pick this book up today and you won't regret it!
View all my reviews
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The Promise Lauren Hunter Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Note I was provided this for free to review: That being said it did not effect my love for this book! I must say it has been awhile since a historical romance has caught my attention! I read this book very quickly! I loved the banter between the Duke and Lady Elizabeth and I loved the concept! True Soul mates exist and not even death can separate them. I love historical romance but a lot of modern ones have left me disappointed due to the lack of research with their time period, however Lauren Hunter's writing shows she took the time to make it accurate and believable for the time period she has written about and to me that is one of the most important aspects of historical fiction of any kind. There is a lot of back and forth between the Duke and Lady Elizabeth and even though Lady Elizabeth tries to rebuke the Duke, he is determined to win her. This all leads to a plot twist that I didn't see coming! If you are a fan of historical romance this book if for you! A very solid 5!
View all my reviews
NaNoWriMo Diary Day 1
So NaNoWriMo has started and I am almost a couple thousand words into Demonic Savior!!! Yay!!!! Finished the images for my simple teaser trailer as well! And wrote about a 2k word short story!!!! So my day has started off good so far! Also because I am Catholic please just take a moment to remember those who have passed before us; as today is All Souls Day.
I remember:
John Charles Rochholz (My Dad)
Marcus Russell Rochholz (Brother)
Mitchell Riordan Rochholz (Brother)
Martin Rory Rochholz (Brother)
Bernice Agnes Kitchen (Maternal Grandmother)
Evelyn LaVonne Rochholz (Paternal Grandmother)
Raymond Lee Rochholz (Paternal Grandfather)
Ross Jay Kitchen (Maternal Grandfather)
Jon Bernard Kitchen (Uncle)
Bridget Agnes Campbell (Maternal Great Grandmother)
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The Vampire Hunter's Daughter Part I By Jennifer Malone Wright Review
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Honestly I didn't want to write the review until I read them all together in one sitting because honestly reading this first part by itself doesn't want to make me read more based on the characters not the plot. The main character is a bit... ummm... flat... something is missing. Only reason I am reviewing it right now is because I get 17 (or more) notifications a day that people are recommending I read this part and now a review of it (Some event on facebook going on)So I read it... I am done for now reading the books, until I have time to devote to reading the whole thing. But on part one alone... It moved quickly and it has an enjoyable plot... the characters I don't really care about, and that is why I am giving it a 3 star rating I liked the direction this is going, and am hoping that in the next 5 parts the characters develop a bit more for me. I liked it... I will read more... but I am in no rush to do so... 3 stars... I liked it... my rating is 1 star- poor tree 2 star- hated it 3 star liked it 4 star- loved it 5 star- OMG BEST THING EVER. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love either. It may be better once I read all 6 parts together. Now I know people who love this and will give it 5 stars and 4 stars and hate my little 3 star rating, but to be honest it takes more than few pages to get into a book for me, this was really just a few pages takes like 5 minutes to read and to have to go out and buy other parts of the book... Not really for me, however that being said, as I said the plot I believe is there, and it interests me enough to want to continue (at some time) and finish this 'serial' novel.
View all my reviews
Monday, October 29, 2012
National Novel Writing Month is upon us!!!! Click here to sign up authors! And I am participating!!! I will try to keep you all up to date with my progress!!!
Name of Work: Demonic Savior
Synopsis: One moment of love, forever changes Dani. She just was going to throw her sister, Malika, off at home. She never thought there was a whole other world out there, until she joins it. To protect her sister she gave her life. She was killed. She died. She was changed, by a creature she thought of as fiction. She is dead. Well, undead. But she does not thirst for mortal blood. As a gift the powers that be, for her unselfish love, they changed her thirst. She hungers for vampire blood, the blood of evil.... and she will hunt them and destroy them with every fiber of her undead being... Before the Vampire Elite destroys the very reason Dani still maintains her soul… Mialika… The daughter of a Virtue... and an Archangel… Dani must save her sister and the other children of the Angels to prevent the end of the world… In death she discovers the secrets of the past. In death she discovers her purpose in life. And in death she shall live!
"Who are you?" Dani asked the man that stood above the grave... stood above her grave.
"I am the darkness, that has invaded your soul." The being responded.
Dani was confused. "What is your name?"
"You are not the one that killed me."
"No, I am the one assigned to find you, to train you."
"That is what the master wants."
Dani looked at Zen. He was handsome. Young, maybe twenty. His eyes, the bluest things she had ever seen. They seemed to shine with life. “What am I?”
“A vampire.”
“Are you?”
“No, far from it.”
“Is your master the one that killed me?”
“No. My master is the one that wants to save you.”
“Because you shall save the children of angels.”
“Your sister is one.”
“Yes, she was given to your mother and father, adopted. She is the child of one of the seven virtues and an archangel.”
“And me? How do I figure into this? Besides being a monster now?” Dani hated what she was, vampires are demons. She did not want eternal life.
“You are the daughter of Lucifer himself. However you have a choice. You can choose to be on God’s side or Lucifer’s. That is why the child of Chastity was given to you, to be your sister. Malika, daughter of iven to you to help you with your choice, to sway you towards your true destiny.”
“What if I don’t want to choose? What of I don’t want this life?”
“You don’t have a choice. You must choose. I will be your trainer if you choose to side with God.”
“Zen, I should have known.” A dark gravely voice came from the shadows. “His highness always chooses his favorite.”
“Zeith.” Zen said in a way of greeting. “Zeith shall be your trainer if you choose to side with Lucifer.”
“Brother don’t sound so hurt about it.”
“Zeith we both choose a side. I choose our creator. You chose The Morning Star.”
“We have prophesized her. She will drain the mutts of angels and shall became Lucifer’s right hand, leading the vampires, leading the world into darkness…” Zeith lowered his voice. “For eternity…”
Dani sat on the ground shocked. She had just dug herself out of her grave. She was a vampire and she had to choose between good and evil…
Cover: OH WAIT!!!! You can't see that yet! Look out I will have a cover reveal on Bex N' Books Blog (Click Here) sometime in November! I will let you know when!
Name of Work: Demonic Savior
Synopsis: One moment of love, forever changes Dani. She just was going to throw her sister, Malika, off at home. She never thought there was a whole other world out there, until she joins it. To protect her sister she gave her life. She was killed. She died. She was changed, by a creature she thought of as fiction. She is dead. Well, undead. But she does not thirst for mortal blood. As a gift the powers that be, for her unselfish love, they changed her thirst. She hungers for vampire blood, the blood of evil.... and she will hunt them and destroy them with every fiber of her undead being... Before the Vampire Elite destroys the very reason Dani still maintains her soul… Mialika… The daughter of a Virtue... and an Archangel… Dani must save her sister and the other children of the Angels to prevent the end of the world… In death she discovers the secrets of the past. In death she discovers her purpose in life. And in death she shall live!
"Who are you?" Dani asked the man that stood above the grave... stood above her grave.
"I am the darkness, that has invaded your soul." The being responded.
Dani was confused. "What is your name?"
"You are not the one that killed me."
"No, I am the one assigned to find you, to train you."
"That is what the master wants."
Dani looked at Zen. He was handsome. Young, maybe twenty. His eyes, the bluest things she had ever seen. They seemed to shine with life. “What am I?”
“A vampire.”
“Are you?”
“No, far from it.”
“Is your master the one that killed me?”
“No. My master is the one that wants to save you.”
“Because you shall save the children of angels.”
“Your sister is one.”
“Yes, she was given to your mother and father, adopted. She is the child of one of the seven virtues and an archangel.”
“And me? How do I figure into this? Besides being a monster now?” Dani hated what she was, vampires are demons. She did not want eternal life.
“You are the daughter of Lucifer himself. However you have a choice. You can choose to be on God’s side or Lucifer’s. That is why the child of Chastity was given to you, to be your sister. Malika, daughter of iven to you to help you with your choice, to sway you towards your true destiny.”
“What if I don’t want to choose? What of I don’t want this life?”
“You don’t have a choice. You must choose. I will be your trainer if you choose to side with God.”
“Zen, I should have known.” A dark gravely voice came from the shadows. “His highness always chooses his favorite.”
“Zeith.” Zen said in a way of greeting. “Zeith shall be your trainer if you choose to side with Lucifer.”
“Brother don’t sound so hurt about it.”
“Zeith we both choose a side. I choose our creator. You chose The Morning Star.”
“We have prophesized her. She will drain the mutts of angels and shall became Lucifer’s right hand, leading the vampires, leading the world into darkness…” Zeith lowered his voice. “For eternity…”
Dani sat on the ground shocked. She had just dug herself out of her grave. She was a vampire and she had to choose between good and evil…
Cover: OH WAIT!!!! You can't see that yet! Look out I will have a cover reveal on Bex N' Books Blog (Click Here) sometime in November! I will let you know when!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Torn Souls by Crystal Cattabriga Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is a must read! It should be in high schools. This book is just wow! I don't even know where to start! I love the characters, Alex and Julia are easy to love and their story is makes this a great YA Novel! I am not a big fan of YA never have been, thought I have started reading more and more of it lately. This book I would recommend to everybody! I am normally really hard on YA books because of the situations they show, but is is real stuff, and shows YA as it should be shown. Bullying is an issue that everybody faces, I myself have been a victim and it has made a lasting negitive effect on my life, and this book brings the topic to public view in away that allows people to understand it. If you have never been a victim of bullying you wouldn't understand, and normally when bullying is the topic of the book those who were the bullies or those who have never been bullied don't really get the picture and see it is a pure work of fiction. This book though a work of fiction allows you to get inside the head of those that are hurt by bullying and you see the effect it has on Julia. This is a fantastic book and a must read for anybody ages 12 to 112!
View all my reviews
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Grab My Hand!
A blog has set up Grab My Hand! It is a stand against Bullying and I fully support it! Sparring Stepsisters! is the website, just print out the one of the certificates sign you name put your hand to the photo and pledge! If you can't print it don't worry! Just take a photo of you and put the image of the certificate on it and electronically sign your name!!! It doesn't matter how you do it! Just that you do it! I DID!
This is a way for authors (they have said Indie authors but you know what you traditional authors you should pledge too!), bloggers, and bookaholics to unite against bullying. Bullying is ALWAYS an issue. I for one am pleased that people are finally standing up together, and telling people, 'You know what? Bullying is wrong!" Think before you speak!!! You never know the lasting effects of your harmful words!!! The other day I shared my story on bullying! You can read it here on the blog ( click here Bullying). This campaign is sponsored by the ladies of Sparring Stepsisters (click their name to go to their site!), and is being done with the hope of letting anyone out there who's being bullied know that they are not alone, I know that when I was being bullied, I felt so alone. I thought nobody cared. And back then few did, but I know better now. That being said, I still live with the lasting effects of those words, those actions, taken by other people ( I say people because bullying just isn't done by kids!) But I want people to know that people do care, they do understand what they are going though! If anybody ever needs to just talk I am always around! I don't care if it morning noon or night! Send me a message on facebook Katherine Rochholz (Just click my name!) It is time to speak up against bullying and make a stand against it!!!! Now thanks to the Sparring Stepsisters here are the images!!! Take the pledge! I did and I hope you do as well!!!
If you need help with combining the images, contact me and I will photoshop them for you! You can contact me at my facebook page! Author Katherine Rochholz Facebook
~Katherine Rochholz Indie Author against Bullying
Friday, October 19, 2012
Pretty Sure Nobody Reads My Blog
Since I am pretty sure nobody reads the blog (a bit of sadness) I am going to take this moment and post the outline short story that will be expanded to be included in my new novel Monster U Remember everything is copyrighted all rights reserved by me Katherine Rochholz :)
“What do I know about love and pain? What does anybody know about love and pain? I don’t know the pain of birth, of the start of life. I don’t know the pain of death… I never will. I was created. For parts of people who know the pain of birth, of life, of death. Those that knew love. But I have no soul. The people who once owned my body parts did… they could feel love… but I can not. My ‘father’ created me a hundreds of years ago. His death that night the village found out haunts me to this day. Is that love? I am haunted by his death… All their deaths… By my life… Is that Love?”
Frank looked at the clock and knew it was time to prepare for the day. He put his journal away; he placed it in his drawer on top of his father’s journals; the ones that had all the notes that caused Frank’s existence. He slammed the door a little hard, and locked the drawer. He looked in the mirror his skin had a light green tint; but it was nothing a bit of make-up could not hide. He had gotten very good at hiding the color of his skin. It took a lot more time to hide his stitching, but he had taken to wear long sleeve shirts and pants no matter the temp; after all he was room temperature. He was dead. With no circulating blood. No soul.
He didn’t have to hide his bolts to much anymore, thankfully strange and exotic piercings are popular during this time, and most people see them as a piercing. They always asked if his favorite book is Frankenstein. Frank hated that book. It made his father and himself as a monster. Well, that night they were, when they killed his father. He killed the village. Mary Shelly was the only survivor. She wrote their story. He should have killed her. But she was a young child. He couldn’t bring himself to kill the child.
He looked at the note that Cameron had left for him. Something about picking up milk for some meal he wanted made tonight. Well, Cameron can cook for himself. The boy king got on Frank’s nerves. But, he would be lost with him, Lucas, and Drake. They all met a few hundred years ago. Well, he first met Cameron. He used to be Tutankhamen. Frank had been wondering around Europe looking for a place to live, when he ran in to him. He took pity on the monster and invited him to stay with him. Frank didn’t know what pride was then and jumped at the chance. He barely could speak at the time. However with Cameron’s help he became highly educated.
Education… their path to living in mainstream America… moving here may not have been the best idea. Many people are too curious about new comers, but on a college campus the majority of people are new, so it was easy to come up with a generic story to tell them about where they were from. Frank looked at himself in the mirror, his green skin now covered, and he was set to go about his day. But he was still upset… as he was every morning… but before he could be buried in his thoughts a thud brought back to life.
He saw Tony’s truck outside, and remember that Drake had a party last night. Frank found it easy, too easy, to turn a blind side to Drake’s parties. But what do you expect from a soulless creature? Frank stood up and grabbed his books, took one last look in the mirror and left.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Bullying is finally getting more attention, and I thought I would just post a quick post on my views of it. It is fucking ridiculous, excuse my language, but there is no reason it should be an issue. Parents, teachers, the adults in life need to teach children respect! I am a victim... no I am a survivor... of bullying. People think that verbal bullying isn't bad, sticks and stones after all. But let me tell you, I suffered a lot from verbal bullying... if you want my story just contact me at my email sweetkcr@gmail.com or on facebook.com www.facebook.com/katherinerochholz or www.facebook.com/vampirekati (one is my author page the other is my personal) and I will be happy to share it with you. But I just wanted to post this and say GROW UP! Bullying messes with the heads of innocent kids making them think they are nothing, because of that some get into drugs, some even kill themselves, some do both. I want to say this my pages are safe zones for anybody, I won't tolerate intolerance... what that is a contradiction? So be it, but if I see any intolerance on any of my pages, that person will be reported and banned. And to those that were the bullies... did you grow up? Do you feel bad? First off if you feel bad... GOOD!... you deserve it... but secondly take a moment and try to contact the kids you hurt. You can't change the past, but... trust me kind words are nice to hear... Just say sorry... the word might heal more than you know... That is my two cents you can ignore it or you can act... Only you will know what you do... You know what here is my story:
I have been bullied from day one of school. I am not a small woman, and never was a small girl, but I am beautiful in my way, I know that now, but back then I listened to them. I had no friends. I had one in high school and he up and disappeared on me before our senior year. In college I thought it would change... and it did... but I couldn't be social... I didn't learn how to be social because I was the outcast my whole life... I didn't know how to relate to people. So again I was alone. I grabbed onto any friendship, some were good for me, some where toxic... people used me, they didn't care about me, they used me for whatever they could gain and dumped me like a sack of trash. It has taken me so long to get over this I am 29 years old. I am a self published author, whose fourth book is coming out, but still any words that can be seen as hurtful or hate or anger, has me holding back tears. I maintain a hard outside, but on the inside, I am mush. I cry a lot... I am becoming more confident, but a single word can take that progress and dash it. Then people will tell me it is fine, but it take me days to get over something... I use to get physically sick because of the bullying I endured... now I just break on the inside... but I still break... I have few friends... I can count the ones in my town on one hand and have fingers left over... I still can't relate to people all that well... I may never relate to a lot of people outside of my family because of the bullying I endured for so many years... I have struggled with self-esteem issues my whole life... and will continue to do so, because of the bullying I endured... I did things I am not proud of... I fell into a depression so deep I thought it would shallow me whole... and it almost did... That I won't talk about... but bullying almost took everything from me...That is the effect long term bullying can have... watch what you say... please... That is all I ask...
Here is the picture I made, please feel free to share it!
I have been bullied from day one of school. I am not a small woman, and never was a small girl, but I am beautiful in my way, I know that now, but back then I listened to them. I had no friends. I had one in high school and he up and disappeared on me before our senior year. In college I thought it would change... and it did... but I couldn't be social... I didn't learn how to be social because I was the outcast my whole life... I didn't know how to relate to people. So again I was alone. I grabbed onto any friendship, some were good for me, some where toxic... people used me, they didn't care about me, they used me for whatever they could gain and dumped me like a sack of trash. It has taken me so long to get over this I am 29 years old. I am a self published author, whose fourth book is coming out, but still any words that can be seen as hurtful or hate or anger, has me holding back tears. I maintain a hard outside, but on the inside, I am mush. I cry a lot... I am becoming more confident, but a single word can take that progress and dash it. Then people will tell me it is fine, but it take me days to get over something... I use to get physically sick because of the bullying I endured... now I just break on the inside... but I still break... I have few friends... I can count the ones in my town on one hand and have fingers left over... I still can't relate to people all that well... I may never relate to a lot of people outside of my family because of the bullying I endured for so many years... I have struggled with self-esteem issues my whole life... and will continue to do so, because of the bullying I endured... I did things I am not proud of... I fell into a depression so deep I thought it would shallow me whole... and it almost did... That I won't talk about... but bullying almost took everything from me...That is the effect long term bullying can have... watch what you say... please... That is all I ask...
Here is the picture I made, please feel free to share it!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Something Wicked This Way Comes, is something I have said forever.... it has been come a very popular saying in recent months,I know I say it because of Macbeth by The ever famous Shakespeare, Macbeth is my favorite of his tragedies, however I also like to say "I almost biffed it" or "you totally biffed it." What would we done without Back to the Future giving us that lovely every day sentence???? Anyways there are a lot of things I say and it is amazing to find people who say the same things...
Anyways Working hard on the edits for The Seven Deadlies! That will be out on Halloween Look for it soon!!!!!
Anyways Working hard on the edits for The Seven Deadlies! That will be out on Halloween Look for it soon!!!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Becoming (Lynnie Russell Trilogy #1) by R.M. Gilmore Review
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I love Lynnie, there were parts of the story that felt rushed, but I for one cannot wait for the next installment! It takes you on a ride into a new world. It did drag a bit in parts, but in the end it is a great short read that you can read in one sitting on a lazy afternoon, and be really happy, that you choose this book to spend your precious time reading this story. But a word of warning the only disappointing aspect is that the next part isn't out yet!!!! It will leave you wanting more!
View all my reviews
The Scene By R.M. Gilmore Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I bought this book from the author before ever reading it, I wanted it in paperback and after hearing how good it was I couldn't wait! I wasn't disappointed! The author does take a bit of time to get to the 'juicy' parts, for a lack of a better word, but it is totally worth the time to read this book from start to finish! Dylan is a character you can relate to! There is so much that is great about this book! But I don't want to spoiler anything! But I will say this: If you have been disappointed in the mass number of vampire books on the market today (which I have been) this book will not disappoint you! I loved the characters, the action, the scenes, I found myself watching Dylan's world play out in my head, and wishing I was there! Grab this book, it won't disappoint!
View all my reviews
Monday, October 1, 2012
Halloween SpookTacular
HI!!!!! I just wanted to share an event I am so excited to be a part off!!!! The fabulous ladies Ruthi Knight and MaryAnn Inabinet of R & M Fab Book Reviews are putting on a Halloween SpookTacular!!!!! You should check out their blog!!! Click Here! Or click on their button that the bottom right hand corner of this blog! Here is the image for the event!!!!
So It is just not me who is featured (By The Way I am on the 7th and have donated lots of goodies!!!!) But there are so many awesome authors!!! Here are the authors and their facebook sites!!! You should go visit each one!!!!
October 1st – L.M. Preston- Purgatory Reign- Click Here for The Pack Facebook Page
October 2nd – K.B. Miller – Compulsion (Blog tour and feature)- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 3rd – Imogen Rose- Initiation: Bonfire Academy 1 - Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 4th – Mary Castillo – Lost in the Light- Click Here For Facebook Author Page
October 5th – Stacey Rourke –Embrace & The Sidekick Chronicles-Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 6th – Lisa Morgan – Phoenix Rising and Phoenix Burning- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 7th – Katherine Rochholze – The Seven Deadlies- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 8th – Inger Iversen – Few Are Angels- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 9th – Diane Farr – Wicked Cool and Scary Cool- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 10th – Christy Sloat – The Brown House- Click Here For Facebook Author Page
October 11th – Regina Duke – Trickster and Other Stories- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 12th – Cat Miller – Unbound and Unforgiven- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 13th – Elizabeth Kirke – More than Magic: Semester Aboard- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 14th – L.A. Freed – The Charleston Vampire Chronicles- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 15th – S.L. Wallace – Price of a Bounty & Canvas Skies- Click Here For Author Blog
October 16th – Monique Rockliffe – The Sword Bearer- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 17th – Jennifer Malone Wright – The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter-Click Here for Facebook Page
October 18th – Katherine Polillo – Destine- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 19th – Ema Volf – The Rapture of Avery Maye- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 20th – Belinda Frisch – Cure- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 21st – Karen Swart – Kasadya: Hellhound Awakened- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 22nd – Cambria Hebert – Heven and Hell Series- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 23rd – Lee Taylor – Bound- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 24th – Amy Richie – Willow- Click Here For Facebook Author Page
October 25th – Sarah Ross – Echo of an Earth Angel & Awaken- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 26th – Anchor Group Halloween Circus Blog Post- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 27th – Willow Cross – Inheritance- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 28th – Jay Harding – Oobers- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 29th – T.L. Shreffler’s Viper’s Creed Blog Tour Post- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 30th – Mike Wech – Seven-X- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 31st – J.H. Glaze – The Spirit Box- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
Here is the video showing the cover of all the books featured!
So It is just not me who is featured (By The Way I am on the 7th and have donated lots of goodies!!!!) But there are so many awesome authors!!! Here are the authors and their facebook sites!!! You should go visit each one!!!!
October 1st – L.M. Preston- Purgatory Reign- Click Here for The Pack Facebook Page
October 2nd – K.B. Miller – Compulsion (Blog tour and feature)- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 3rd – Imogen Rose- Initiation: Bonfire Academy 1 - Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 4th – Mary Castillo – Lost in the Light- Click Here For Facebook Author Page
October 5th – Stacey Rourke –Embrace & The Sidekick Chronicles-Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 6th – Lisa Morgan – Phoenix Rising and Phoenix Burning- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 7th – Katherine Rochholze – The Seven Deadlies- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 8th – Inger Iversen – Few Are Angels- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 9th – Diane Farr – Wicked Cool and Scary Cool- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 10th – Christy Sloat – The Brown House- Click Here For Facebook Author Page
October 11th – Regina Duke – Trickster and Other Stories- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 12th – Cat Miller – Unbound and Unforgiven- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 13th – Elizabeth Kirke – More than Magic: Semester Aboard- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 14th – L.A. Freed – The Charleston Vampire Chronicles- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 15th – S.L. Wallace – Price of a Bounty & Canvas Skies- Click Here For Author Blog
October 16th – Monique Rockliffe – The Sword Bearer- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 17th – Jennifer Malone Wright – The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter-Click Here for Facebook Page
October 18th – Katherine Polillo – Destine- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 19th – Ema Volf – The Rapture of Avery Maye- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 20th – Belinda Frisch – Cure- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 21st – Karen Swart – Kasadya: Hellhound Awakened- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 22nd – Cambria Hebert – Heven and Hell Series- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 23rd – Lee Taylor – Bound- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 24th – Amy Richie – Willow- Click Here For Facebook Author Page
October 25th – Sarah Ross – Echo of an Earth Angel & Awaken- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 26th – Anchor Group Halloween Circus Blog Post- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 27th – Willow Cross – Inheritance- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 28th – Jay Harding – Oobers- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 29th – T.L. Shreffler’s Viper’s Creed Blog Tour Post- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
October 30th – Mike Wech – Seven-X- Click Here for Facebook Page
October 31st – J.H. Glaze – The Spirit Box- Click Here for Facebook Author Page
Here is the video showing the cover of all the books featured!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
The Keeper Files: Changes Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved Katherine Rochholz
I thought I was fine the way I was, I fooled myself in believing I was content. I pushed myself to be the perfect child. My parents had me later in life, I was an only child. I was pushed to be perfect. I was the perky blonde cheerleader, dated the quarterback, had straight A’s and was on all the committees. Then one day it all changed.
I had been traveling to school when I almost hit some Gothicgothic punk. I, of course, screamed out the window at him. He was making me late. He mumbled something I didn’t hear, and I went along my way. But I thought of him later. There was something in his eyes. They were the color of the blood moon, and his lips were so blue. There were cracks along his face as if he was wearing a worn mask, one that needed to come off. I found myself distracted by his image. I looked for him at the school. After all he looked to be about eighteen, as I was, so he must be in school. But I was not able to locate him.
The days went by, I grew tired and weak. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, shadows lived under my eyes, and the make-up I used barely covered it. Soon I started to know other changes, my eyes started to go from blue to the same blood orange that I saw on the boy. My parents were of course concerned and took me to the doctor but they could find nothing wrong with me. Nothing at all. Then my hair started to turn black as coal, cracks started to form in my face, and my lips started to turn a vivid blue. It hurt to move, it hurt to breathe.
That is when the dreams started.
I was standing in the words, the boy I almost hit stood before me. I just looked at him, he was the same yet different. His eyes were the color of the blood moon, and his lips the most vivid blue I had ever seen, but the cracks and the shadows were gone. His skin was perfect. Pale and perfect. I remember asking him what he was, what he had done to me. He just smiled and said that I would soon be home. Before I could ask him what he meant I woke up.
This went on for weeks, months. I was getting weaker; I started to live in the shadows. I stopped caring about school, nor about being the perfect daughter. What did it matter when I was dying? I knew I was dying. What did it matter if I got in to Harvard? I no longer cared.
The dreams are what I lived for. I would just spend hours sitting with him. In silence. I stopped asking questions, he would just tell me I would soon be home. I believed him. I thought he was my angel. My angel that would take me home and stop the pain I felt in my waking moments. The pain became more and more as my skin became cracked. Soon my parents moved me to the hospital, as my muscles were showing, the skin cracked so deep. I could barely breath, barely move. Still I lived for the dreams. The dreams are what connected me to life. I didn’t want to lose them. They made my last days on Earth bearable.
But as with everything my time had come to an end. I laid in my bed, I had waited for my dream angel to come comfort me. Instead I could not sleep. The door of my room opened and the guy I almost hit the year before walked in and sat on the bed.
I just looked at him. I knew he came to take me home. He took my hand. “It is time to come home, soul keeper. It is time to learn your place in Paradise.”
“Soul keeper?” I asked as I left my body behind.
“You are a Keeper, a keeper of broken souls. Unlike other keepers we live on Earth. We mark other keepers, and keep their souls close to us until we take them home. Some will become like us, hidden in plain sight with a mask we wear. Others will go to Paradise and watch their souls from their offices on the clouds. But if you ask me we have the best jobs.”
“We get to help souls realize who they are, who they were meant to be. And we get to basically live forever. We get to watch the people of the Earth, we get to be a family. Are you ready to come home soul keeper?”
“Yes…” I took his hand and left my body behind… forever becoming a Keeper… a soul keeper…
Photo was found online at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gothic-Enchanted/301565166589021?fref=ts
Friday, September 21, 2012
Author Interview with A.L. Burgos
My lovely short interview with A.L. Burgos!
First a bit about the book:
Title: Sec4rets
Author: A.L. Burgos
Can you tell us an interesting fact about you, your writing, or anything at all? Or, is there anything in particular you want the readers to know about you?
What I want readers to know about me is that I have been writing since I was about 10 years old. I used writing as a way to express my feelings. As I got older the writing was then used as a form of therapy for me when I was down. Writing to me is my life and it will always be a big part of me. My goal with my writing is to reach people in some way shape or form.
When you are working on a book, do you plan ahead, or do you let the story flow as you write?
I plan the story lines way ahead of me writing. I plan how I want it to start and how I want it to end. As I write some new things come to me and the chapters come to me. So I plan ahead for certain things and then other things come to me as I write.
Are any of your characters in your books based on people that you know in real life?
I feel like in some way Mark is a reflection of myself. Not everything he does is what I have done or would do but his journey as a gay character trying to come into his own is all me.
Do you have an interesting writing quirk? Maybe something that you have to do while writing, or something that you have to do before you start writing?
I always always always have to listen to music when I am writing. It helps me get my creative jucies flowing.
Why 4 main characters? Why name them the way you did?
I choose 4 just because I feel it was a great number of characters to use. I didn't want too many to the point where the reader got confused. Naming them was just me typing and BAM those were their names...LOL.
What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on book 2 to the series. I have so many ideas for book 2 and the drama is going to be even more intense.
What was the hardest part of writing your book?
Hardest part of writing my book was some the things I talked about. I tackle real teen issues and sometimes it made me cry or cringe. I hated writing some scenes in the book because I hate having to hurt characters but this is real life and I want to reach people with my writing. I want a teen to read it and go "Wow I went through that" and have it help them in the issues they are going through.
What is your favorite scene? Fave Character?
I have a lot of fav scenes. One that pops to my head is the final scene of the book between Mark and Tiffany. Cant say too much but it gets intense. I also love the Halloween Dance chapter (chapter 8) there is so much drama. My fave character right now is Henry, he is there to serve a purpose for one the main characters and he will do just that.
What books (or authors) have influenced you the most during your career?
I am a huge fan of Alex Sanchez. He writes gay teen books that tackle gay teen issues and I love him for putting some of those things out there. Check out his Rainbow Boy series. It was truly amazing. I also love Sara Shephard as well.
Find A.L. Burgos Online on facebook: Author Page A.L. Burgos
First a bit about the book:
Title: Sec4rets
Author: A.L. Burgos
We all have secrets...
Mark, Tiffany, Kevin and Kim are best friends. When they enter High School together they find out that it's not all fun and games, as they find out that drama is involved. They must stick together to get through High School, but when they start to keep secrets from each other, ones that can tear them apart, their friendships will be tested as the secrets come out.
So will their friendships survive...
Or will their secrets be too much,
And tear them apart?
Let the secrets come out...
Can you tell us an interesting fact about you, your writing, or anything at all? Or, is there anything in particular you want the readers to know about you?
What I want readers to know about me is that I have been writing since I was about 10 years old. I used writing as a way to express my feelings. As I got older the writing was then used as a form of therapy for me when I was down. Writing to me is my life and it will always be a big part of me. My goal with my writing is to reach people in some way shape or form.
When you are working on a book, do you plan ahead, or do you let the story flow as you write?
I plan the story lines way ahead of me writing. I plan how I want it to start and how I want it to end. As I write some new things come to me and the chapters come to me. So I plan ahead for certain things and then other things come to me as I write.
Are any of your characters in your books based on people that you know in real life?
I feel like in some way Mark is a reflection of myself. Not everything he does is what I have done or would do but his journey as a gay character trying to come into his own is all me.
Do you have an interesting writing quirk? Maybe something that you have to do while writing, or something that you have to do before you start writing?
I always always always have to listen to music when I am writing. It helps me get my creative jucies flowing.
Why 4 main characters? Why name them the way you did?
I choose 4 just because I feel it was a great number of characters to use. I didn't want too many to the point where the reader got confused. Naming them was just me typing and BAM those were their names...LOL.
What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on book 2 to the series. I have so many ideas for book 2 and the drama is going to be even more intense.
What was the hardest part of writing your book?
Hardest part of writing my book was some the things I talked about. I tackle real teen issues and sometimes it made me cry or cringe. I hated writing some scenes in the book because I hate having to hurt characters but this is real life and I want to reach people with my writing. I want a teen to read it and go "Wow I went through that" and have it help them in the issues they are going through.
What is your favorite scene? Fave Character?
I have a lot of fav scenes. One that pops to my head is the final scene of the book between Mark and Tiffany. Cant say too much but it gets intense. I also love the Halloween Dance chapter (chapter 8) there is so much drama. My fave character right now is Henry, he is there to serve a purpose for one the main characters and he will do just that.
What books (or authors) have influenced you the most during your career?
I am a huge fan of Alex Sanchez. He writes gay teen books that tackle gay teen issues and I love him for putting some of those things out there. Check out his Rainbow Boy series. It was truly amazing. I also love Sara Shephard as well.
Find A.L. Burgos Online on facebook: Author Page A.L. Burgos
Friday, September 7, 2012
I decided to do a short novella as a Katy Lily Companion, it is called Hunted and it is Antonio and Sandra's story. Here is the cover created by the talented J.V.K.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Love Hate and the World Goes Round

Coming September 14th to an EReader near you!!!!!
This is a collection of poems, short stories, and a novel by Katherine Rochholz.
It includes the first story of The Chronicles of Battle:
Hello, my name is simple; you hear it every day,you know you do without even knowing it,my name is Battle; well that is what they call me now.But once upon a time before my life changed,when I was young, my parents had named me Katrina. My grandma and grandpa called me Kat, and I was naive, that was then and then is what shaped my life today. So come on my journey with me and I will tell you how I ended up here. Where is here? I am laying here with a stake in my chest, releasing Hell upon Earth.
Come listen to the stories of an ancient slayer turned vampire... Listen to my stories, learn from the mistakes
of the past.... So when Earth gets her second chance... Humanity does not fail a second time...
It also includes the first three stories of the
I Am Death Saga. "I am Death... And I am your father." These are the words that all reapers hear upon their 18th birthday. They are cursed to a life of death. They must take the souls of mortals to judgment, never being judged themselves. Their only salvation is another soul. One created just for them. A soul to love them. A soul that shall save them from a life of death...
The novel that is included is "From an Unholy Union"
One young woman, thought to be dead, will change the order of the supernatural world, Katrina. But she has only an echo of a soul. So to over come the evil ruling the supernatural world she has to find her true love and gain her soul. Then she will have fight, for not only her life, but the lives of the ones whoare trying to kill her. From An Unholy Union She Shall Rise…
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sec4rets by A.L. Burgos
I will give this 4 out of 5 starsI loved this book. I normally do not read this type of book, teenage drama was never my thing. I went through enough of it as a teenager. But I loved this book! I wanted more, there were the characters you loved, the characters you loved to hate... those you just plain hated... those you related to... I won't go into much detail because people should read this book, it deals with a lot of real issues. It is a quick read, I read it in just a day. I loved some of the characters and hated others. I had my ideas about who it was that knew the secrets. It was a fast paced book that kept you on the edge of your seat, leaving you wanting more, and leaving you loving and hating the characters. I would recommend it for older teens and young adults, there is some language to it, but what teen doesn't say a cuss word now and then. Now why did it get 4 and not five if I loved it so much? There were parts where I had to go back and reread just make sure that I knew what was going on. Within chapters you transition from one character to another, and there is no space no clear transition. The other thing though I love dialogue, it seemed there were some parts that needed more, there could have been more details of a scene or the facial expressions of the characters. There is so much you can get from dialogue but sometimes the dialogue needs a little help. There were some other little details that didn't really make to much sense but they are forgivable. I am very excited to know there is a book two because I so want more of these characters. So if you want teen drama you have found it with this book. It is an edge of your seat roller-coaster ride of drama and breathtaking moments that create characters you will love to hate, and hate to love. A great first novel from A.L. Burgos!
Doc Chaos: The Chernobyl Effect Review
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow, what can I say? I was just kind of floating around looking for something different to read, and I saw a post asking if people would like a ecopy to review this work from the author. So I took the chance. And I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I was not really 100% expecting to, because it is different from what I write, from what I read, but this really caught my attention and dragged me and and would not let go. It has been a long time since I found something that truly different from my norm that grabbed me and kept me entertained. Nothing I can say can prepare you for this book other than you will enjoy it. I cannot begin to compare this to other works. This piece is unique and of its own. You will not be disappointed in this book.
View all my reviews
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