Monday, May 31, 2010


Okay Obama went out and did the wreath but a little rain and he cancels his speech honoring the veterans??????? He could have moved it in some where I get the storms in the Midwest are bad but come on you know it rains in the midwest every memorial day, he should have had a back up plan the speech should have been made some how, even if it was only a few words. Does this man have so little respect, we know his wife does not any respect, I mean she wears white on veterans day memorial, white is for celebration, to honor someone she should have wore a more somber color, not white! But he is the president he should show some more respect and his wife needs to show more as well, she is the first lady she is just not the person sleeping with the president! The first lady has some effect on the gov't no matter what anybody says, a wife is always going to influence the husband! If he wants to be reelected in a couple of years he is going to have to learn to show respect where it is needed, and he needs to take a good look at what the VA is doing I mean people out there are getting money for nothing they barely make past boot camp then pretend to be crazy and get a section 8 and then gets a shit load of money that is way to wrong where people like my grandfathers and my father who did their time gets a bronze plaque when they die and a flag for their widows. That is so wrong! I hope one day somebody realizes that the veterans need to be treated better there should be no homeless vets there should be no hungry vets there should be no vet without health care THERE SHOULD NOT BE ANY HARDSHIP TO A VET! I wish I could do more, I would love to get inside the gov't and change things the way they should be. We are one of the richest most powerful nation and we can't fix the problems in our own country? I believe we need to be concerned with the world, but we need to focus on ourselves and how we treat the citizens of this nation.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day

Okay so we went to the cemeteries, Fort Dodge, and Waterloo on Thursday, and Waterloo and Rock Island on Friday. People look at us so strange when well tell them we are spending our days off going to the cemeteries, people need to start doing that again, I mean, it is called Memorial Day to honor our Veterans and of course all those who have passed away and gone before us. It was very hard this year since losing dad, and driving to Fort Dodge and driving to Rock Island was awful, not the traffic that was fine but the detours, the bridge was out in Fort Dodge so we had to go in a back way, then the bridge was out to the Arsenal in Rock Island so we had to go a back way, then getting lost sucks in Rock Island really sucks when seeing signs that say cougar crossing! But really it is not called Memorial Day to get drunk and party it is called Memorial Day to remember those that have passed away Veterans or not, we put flows on my grandparents graves, and Grandma Ag, and Mom's aunts and uncles in Fort Dodge, and cousins (I think, not very good with how some are related). A lot of the people in my grandparents generations were out but not to many people in my parent's age group and I saw only one or two around my age. That is sad that people think it is just a time to party, PEOPLE NEED TO REMEMBER WHAT MEMORIAL DAY IS ABOUT!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cirque Du Freak

Okay So I have read the first 2 books almost done with the third, and am wondering if the guys who did the movie The Vampire's Assistant even read the books? There are a lot of parts and whole different world in the books, and could have made a whole different movie... hmmmm... They get a C+ UPDATE 05/22/10 I have read 3 4 5 6 and 7 on 8 they are okay they get a C overall, there are things that are missing plot holes and of course 8 is starting to get on my nerves... but that is okay hopefully i have the patience to finish the series, i have looked at them and they could have done the movie completely different I don't think they read the books, because there are so many things that could have been done in the movie... wonder how they do the second movie....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Iron Man 2 and other movies SPOLIER FOR DAYBREAKERS

Well lets recap the movies I have seen, Iron Man 2 I gave a B+ It was action packed but really again predictable, I wish for one movie where I can't figure out the end, The Losers I thought was very funny I am not big on these type of movies, but it earned a solid B, I would pay to watch again, very funny very funny, On DVD Legion, I think I may have written on this before, but it got a C it was a good movie, you could see the end from a mile away but still action packed enought to watch again, DayBreakers, well this one was a very intresting vampire movie, more my speed, I mean the end was good, Vampire turning back to human using what kills it, then the blood of a treated vampire, very intresting, I hadn't thought of that vampires being able to change back to human, I mean I know Joss Wheadon did it in Angel, but that was for like 1 eposide and he changed, back these humans can't be changed back... intresting... very intresting I gave it an A-, I wanted more...